You know what time it is… Time for another post about DI!
It’s been a while… Hope you didn’t forget about it!
If you have been a consistent reader you know I did Destination Imagination in grade 8 and was put in the Technical group, boy was that a hard challenge. This year we did it again, 2 years later, and I was put in the Fine Arts group.
In grade 8, we had teams that consisted of just our grade but this year the grade 9s and grade 10s were put into groups together. My group had 2-grade tens and 4 grade 9s, Jessie and I were the grade 10s and Alva, Parker, Hunter, and Nikan were the grade 9s.
As a group our personalities worked well together, we made each other laugh, and we stayed light and kind, but when it came to finding a solution to our challenge, it was quite hard. We are good at producing ideas for the story but something we could work on is focusing our ideas on more crafty, real-life, related things.
We were not very strong at creating real-life objects and it was difficult to decide on what idea to use. We probably switched the things we were going to make around 3 times because we realized either they wouldn’t work or we didn’t have enough time to make them.
Because of the stress kicking in, realizing how close it was to regionals, the urgency was there. We did an acceptable job bringing it together, keeping in mind lots of our evidence was created last minute.
Showing from our scores, we could have done better in multiple areas, but, in the end, we did have enough evidence to complete the challenge.
We didn’t communicate as much as we probably needed to and we should have had way more meetings to talk about things. I’ve tried to create meetings but I feel like I should have talked to my group about how we all should schedule things and it shouldn’t always land on me, especially when we didn’t talk about how it would be a job I had, it was just assumed. We left so much of our challenge to the last minute that it showed, we could have created something so much better if we used our time wisely.
I’ve set time management as a goal for myself and I feel like I’ve gotten much better at it on my own but it’s hard when you have a group that needs to work on it just as much as you.
Going forward I think that if we talk to teachers more about meetings and frequent updates so we can stay on schedule, using the time that we have, better. More specific things I want to work on are the parts where we could gain points. We needed to sort out our team choice elements reimagined art better and make sure that they are more clear. I think if my group went over the criteria more often then we would have gotten a higher score, knowing what got points and what didn’t.
Overall there are many things that our group, myself included, need to work on but in the mean time we need to celebrate the fact that we got THIRD PLACE!! (Out of 3 groups but still a win.)
It was nice to get a ribbon but I didn’t feel like it was as well deserved as some other teams that got third, I hope that my group and I come together and create something better, so that if we do get a ribbon again I can be proud of it. Thank you for reading, if you don’t really understand still what Destination Imagination is I will link their website here.