LAZER MAZE!(scimatics reflection post)

♣It was the last few weeks of school till winter break! But, this is actually the time for the most important projects.

GDJ / Pixabay

Well that’s the time on the year where MY teachers do that, you don’t really have choice.

Clker-Free-Vector-Images / Pixabay


Anyways back on track, for this scimatics project we had to build Star Wars air crafts. Me and my group – Evelyn and simon- built Luke Skywalker’s x-wing fighter, but that wasn’t the point why we build it. The main reason is that we are trying to make and understand how and what a right triangle is. Most importantly the Curricular Competencies.

Big idea; Light energy can be transferred as both a particle and wave: The law of reflection is used to build a right angle triangle shaped laser path that will be on display at the exhibition. Refraction and interference are also incorporated in the laser display.

Communicating and Representing; Represent
mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms: Two sides are measured and the length of one side of the triangle is calculated and labeled using the pythagorean theorem.

Applying and innovating; Co-operatively design projects: The laser triangle is set up and labeled in an aesthetically interesting way and all group members contribute equally to setting up the room on exhibition day

Questioning and predicting; Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest: All class time is used efficiently for learning and project work without distractions

Bye for now!♣






♠bonus pics!♠