⚔️This changes everything ⚔️

Hello reader! This week my class finished an humanities project. The driving question was: what was life like in the Middle Ages? How does it compare to today? Well my answer to the driving question is: life in the Middle Ages depends on you religion, your religion rules or life and you have to and if you want to go to heaven you have to do something good, comparing to today life is less depending on you religion.

Now lets get in to talking about what we did in this project. Basically we have to research 3 stuff and show how is has changed and continued.


Milestone 1: literacy plan, we plan when and what techniques are we going to use to help us read. Milestone 2: character letter, we write a letter to someone in 1195 as our role (mine was a lord) without giving out who we are. Milestone 3: book chats, we have book chats every Monday to show how far we are in the book and how much we have learn and understood the book. Milestone 4: research! We do research on the topic we picked with our partner. Milestone 5: presentation! We have one iPad Air playing our slide show with our notes open and we present to the class! Milestone 6: (this post)

After we have that done we present it with a partner, and my partner is Dries go checkout his blog and his post! I well show you a video of my presentation!

I learned I lot while doing this project, I learned how life in the Middle Ages depend a lot on religion, how education was not open to everyone and not everyone can afford it, I learned much more! Thank you for visiting my blog, hope to see you soon!