The cray cray foundation

Bill Gates is a amazing man. He founded Microsoft in 1975 and now it is a multi billion dollar company. Mr. Gates is one of the riches men in the world, but more importantly he does some outside of the box things with that money. He started a foundation in 2004 called the Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation is an organization devoted to helping wipe out poverty and decease in 3rd world countries. In my opinion that’s awesome. They hold fairs/contests to invent ways to solve problems, for example they work to stop the transfer of malaria. The main way to transfer malaria is through mosquito bites. That makes mosquitos the number one killer of humans in 3rd world countries. With this in mind a man created a mosquito killer which is basically a box with smelly socks for bait; once the mosquitos are inside the box they would get grilled. A different fair/contest is the “reinvent the toilet fair” where people found the solution for no pluming in Africa. This was a big problem because if you just go in a field the waste isn’t going anywhere so is can cause bacterial deceases. To solve this problem people at the Gates Foundation fair created a toilet that didn’t need pluming and could get rid of things which they did figure out. These are just a few examples of how the Gates Foundation has helped people in 3rd world countries.
The Gates foundation started with seven members including Warren Buffet and Mark Zuckerberg, but now there is over 130 members. The Gates Foundation’s main rule to join is that the person joining has to give 90% of their wealth by the time they die. Mr. Gates didn’t want this organization to be something that will go on and on and on and on and on. He wanted it to be something that gets results and then it’s done. So after Mr. Gates, his wife, Melinda, and Bill’s father, Bill Gates Sr, die, the foundation lasts another 25 years then poof, the Gates foundation is over.

Because of the rules about spending the Foundation’s money on charitable organizations, the children of the rich people funding the Foundation may be angry at their parents. It’s human nature to be angry if you don’t receive an inheritance, especially if your parents are billionaires. The children of the Gates Foundation members have grown up in a wealthy environment. They attend top private schools, live in huge houses, and enjoy all around expensive things. Then they are told they can’t have any of that money.
In my opinion what Mr. Gates has done is great. He is responsible with his money and is putting it towards good causes. I think if I ever become a rich and famous billionaire I will join the Gates Foundation and put 90% of my money towards it. If it is still around because I am only 14 right now.