Sunny Days


🌊 Marketing Me ☀️

This winter, I participated in my first PLP Winter Exhibition! Our project, Marketing Me, explored the question: “How might I present my passions, strengths, and learning to the world?”

To answer this, we created abridged resumes, designed business cards, and prepared for one-on-one interviews. The project also focused on the big idea: Career and life decisions reflect choices based on exploring, planning, reflecting, adapting, and deciding to find purpose and balance.

Discovering My Values

A key part of this project was identifying my 3 top values: Adventure, Purpose, and Growth. Purpose is a good fit for me because I believe in living with intention and working towards meaningful goals. Growth is a good fit for me because I believe in the importance of continual learning and personal development. Adventure is a good fit for me because I thrive on excitement and new experiences.

I connected these values to possible career paths like marine biology because I would grow, explore, and have a purpose.

Below is my business card:


Preparing for Exhibition

Exhibition day was exciting! Each of us had an individual booth to showcase our work. My booth was very ocean themed, and my audience engagement element was a surfboard painted in chalk paint, asking the public how they can help protect the environment. It turned out really good, and people loved it!

I also included visual elements like a whale shark that I made out of paper mache (it is also my favourite animal), and my boating licence to make my booth inviting and reflective of my interests. My group (The Outdoors) really wanted to make our section immersive. We did this by covering as much space as we could with decor, and dimming the lights as well. I think it turned out really great for the huge space that we got!

What I Learned

This project helped me improve skills like designing a resume, presenting more confidently, and how to properly shake someone’s hand.. A guest speaker, Curt Scheewe, shared great advice about what employers are looking for and more.

I also went with my gut in this project, when we first got introduced to this project, I knew I wanted to include a hands on surfboard related activity for the guests. (Not because I am a pro surfer AT ALL- but because it goes with my metaphor that I have been using this year. A surfboard represents going with the flow, balance, and more!) at first my teachers were skeptical but I told them that I think it will turn out good- and it did 🙂

Below is the teacher feedback I received when I first pitched the surfboard idea:

I realized it’s okay not to have all the answers yet—every step helps me grow closer to figuring out my path.

My resume:

Answering the driving question:

To answer the driving question, I realized that I can present my passions, strengths, and learning by creating tools like resumes and business cards that reflect who I am, engaging with others through conversations, and staying true to my values. These steps help me share my story authentically and confidently, showing the world what I have to offer.

Looking Ahead

While I’m still exploring my options, I’m excited about what’s next. This project gave me tools to confidently present myself and my goals.

Thanks for reading! “Every step is part of the journey!”

— Sunny ☀️

sunnyt • January 5, 2025

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