Why Does the World Need More Canada?
Hello, and welcome to the first post of my Grade 10 year. Today I will be answering the DQ “why does the world need more Canada?” Using my topic of Ukrainian Refugees entering Canada as evidence to support my answer.
Answering the Driving Question: Why Does the World Need More Canada?
For this project, I chose a topic that felt personal to me, as someone who is partly Ukrainian. The goal was to create a podcast exploring the question, Why does the world need more Canada? I focused on Canada’s support for Ukrainian refugees through programs like the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET). This taught me how Canada’s kindness and acceptance can make a real difference, helping people find safety and community. Exploring this topic helped me understand Canada’s identity better and see why the world needs more countries that prioritize compassion and support.
Evidence of My Learning:

Me learning how to use garage band!

What Went Well?
This project allowed me to use my tools and thinking skills to create a quality podcast, one that highlights Canada’s welcoming spirit and builds a sense of community. Diving into real stories of Ukrainian refugees starting fresh in Canada made me appreciate where I live even more, realizing how Canada stands out on a global scale. Working on the podcast was a creative way to share these thoughts, and I’m proud of how it turned out, as it was my first ever podcast. “Thinking Thursday” discussions were also a highlight, where I had in-depth conversations and learned from classmates. Using Craft helped me stay organized and bring together all my ideas.
What Was Challenging?
Of course, there were challenges too. The quizzes added a bit of stress since I’m not used to that style of assessment. Turning my written composition into a script for the podcast was also harder than I expected because I had to rethink how I presented my ideas. Knowing that their would be no media for the listener, to back up the information and make it more engaging. And being the first group to present on Thinking Thursday felt a bit rushed, but it gave me practice in speaking about important topics.
Applying the Questioning Competency
This project helped me get better at questioning and researching to understand Canada’s role in the world and why it’s a country worth celebrating.
• Researching Information: I found myself looking deeper into Canada’s programs than I normally would. This helped me see Canada’s positive impact on refugees and understand Canada’s role in building a welcoming, inclusive society.
• Asking Questions: I started to ask more questions, especially to my teachers. This helped me gain new insights and think about Canada’s identity and its values more deeply.
• Sharing Ideas: Through my podcast, small group discussions, and Thinking Thursday talks, I shared my perspective on why Canada’s kindness matters. This project wasn’t just about talking about Canada’s identity; it was about learning to appreciate where I live and understanding that Canada’s place in the world is something to be proud of.
Canada’s kindness and welcoming attitude show that helping others makes us all stronger. If more countries embraced Canada’s approach, the world could be a place where everyone truly belongs. Through this project, I’ve come to see Canada’s values not just as ideals, but as strengths worth sharing with the world.
Thanks for reading the first blog post of the year! If you are curious about this topic, or want to listen to the podcast check it out here!
See you next time 🙂