Small But Mighty! 🦠 Public Health and Vaccines 💉

Small But Mighty! 🦠 Public Health and Vaccines 💉

Hello and welcome to another blog post! In this blog post I will be showing you everything we have been doing lately in science!

First thing’s first, at the start of the semester we were learning about how powerful cells are, we then learnt about Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. I learnt that Prokaryotic cells are way smaller than Eukaryotic cells, I also learnt their different structures and how the prokaryotic has a lot more of a simple structure compared to the Eukaryotic. And we learnt their job the Prokaryotic makes up bacteria. All bacteria are Prokaryotic cells. And most other living things (not including bacteria) are made up of Eukaryotic cells. After we learnt about these, we had to make an educated guess about what cell came first. I personally believe that the Prokaryotic came first as it is more simple, and then it evolved over time to make the complicated Eukaryotic cell.

We also learnt about different physical barriers that pathogens and diseases have to go through to enter our body’s immune system. We learnt about a few different types of cells: B-cells, T-cells, Antibodies, Pathogens, Macrophages and White-Blood-Cells. We found out what their job was and even made a cool slideshow about them! Here is the slideshow I made: (there are some slide missing due to size limits)

After learning about all these COOL cells, we looked at some pond water under a microscope, and saw so many cool things!

We then swabbed the school for germs! I swabbed the printer screen in my school, and the sink in the kitchen. We then let it sit for seven days and it grew!

After this we ended up learning about vaccines. Here are my notes on vaccines. For vaccines we made a poster about one of the myths that are quite popular. I chose: Vaccines Cause Autism. I thought this one was quite interesting and I wanted to learn more about it. Here is the poster Charlie (my partner), and I made:

Once we learnt about vaccines and how important they are in our life and health system, we made a poster for other schools to use about some simple tips to stay healthy and safe! Here is mine:

Thank you for reading all about what I have learnt in science so far this semester, I can’t wait to show you more exciting things!

I have another blog post of photos because they didn’t fit on this blog-post!

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