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TPOL 2024: Reflecting on My Learning Journey!

TPOL 2024: Reflecting on My Learning Journey!


  • tPOL PLP Declaration
    • “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


So, the big question for this tPOL is: How can I showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared me to advance to the next grade?

This year has been a huge learning curve for me. I’ve changed how I approach my studies, altered my routines, and expanded my thinking. There have been plenty of highs and lows, and I’ve learned from all of them. For the next 7 minutes, I want to share some of the most impactful moments from my PLP journey this year that help answer the driving question.

First, let’s talk about agency, specifically accepting feedback.

Destination Imagination

My DI group worked well together; we communicated effectively, met up in our free time, and got first place in the first tournament. However, in the second tournament, we came in second. We thought we didn’t need to do much to improve, which let us down. Overall, my group and I learned that we should always look for ways to get better, even when we do well the first time.

Indian Nationalism Project

In my Indian Nationalism project, I received a lot of feedback on my initial draft. I got many suggestions to help me meet the criteria, ans well as making my visuals more engaging. I made these revisions to make my final product go above and beyond. The final version was much better, and I was really proud of the improvements I made!



Next, we have engagement, particularly my enthusiasm for learning.

Alberta Book Project

The Alberta Book Project was definitely a highlight of my year. My interest in Alberta’s history and culture motivated me to do thorough research and add creative touches. The final product received positive feedback from peers and teachers, showcasing my enthusiasm for learning.



Science Seeing Double Project

In the Seeing Double project, I created a stop motion video on mitosis that accurately displayed the phases while making the content engaging and fun. My teacher commended me for my depth of knowledge and creativity.

I also demonstrated leadership in the Sparks Fly project!

Another key behaviour is self-regulation, specifically staying focused. Staying focused on long-term projects has been crucial for my success.

Comic Book Project

Creating “Shadows of the Somme” required a lot of planning and focus. By setting clear goals and deadlines, I managed to stay dedicated and produce a rewarding final product.


Check list
Extra time=extra blog post!
Front cover

Now, let’s talk about my growth over time. I created a little chart to illustrate my progress throughout the years of high school, including how I continue to grow during the summer break and beyond.


Explain chart

Something that I want to really work on next year

-public speaking

-class participation (answering questions, asking questions, communicating more with my peers.)

-asking for more help


I’m really proud of my grades this year, especially my extending marks. These grades reflect my dedication and hard work. Here’s a snapshot of my achievements: 

PLP Grades

Learning Plan

Since my mPOL, I have simplified my learning plan to make it easier to follow. This helped me focus on my goals and track my progress more effectively. While I achieved many of my objectives, there are still areas I need to work on next year!



Reflecting on this year, I’m really proud of how far I’ve come. I’ve embraced feedback, shown enthusiasm for learning, and maintained focus on my goals. These behaviours have prepared me well for moving on to the next grade. I’m excited to continue growing and achieving even more next year.

Thank you for taking the time to hear about my learning journey. This concludes my tPOL presentation, and I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.


More Than Mid-Year Presentation Of Learning! (MPOL)🤘

More Than Mid-Year Presentation Of Learning! (MPOL)🤘

Welcome & POL Declaration

Welcome, (introductions) and thank you all for being here today! Before I get into the nitty gritty of my grade 9 year so far- I must do the ✨POL Declaration✨.

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning, I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.


This year so far! ✌️

The first semester of PLP 9 flew by. It pushed me, as both a person and a student, almost as much as I pushed myself. Reflecting on how grade 8 went, it was kind of a warm-up, this year was about applying myself, and achieving my goals. The projects I will talk about today are projects that I am very proud of, and I and comfortable and confident in the fact that they showcase myself as a hardworking student. Before we dive into these accomplishments, let’s revisit the base of all my learning: ✨My Learning Plan✨


My Learning Plan: 

We started grade 9 with the completion of our Learning Plans, which I think is a super important part on how I am achieving the learning goals I want to. Through this reflective exercise, I’ve found myself to be an enthusiastic learner, I seek knowledge but I also aim to help and uplift my class mates. I also noticed the room for growth in the agency success behaviour. I believe that I set realistic goals, however I can work on seeking help when I need it.


How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning goals by the end of this school year?

I believe that I can help myself out here by simplifying my learning plan. There are so many words, and so much to look at that it is hard to pin point the things I really need to work on. So in order to sharpen it and make it easier to read, I can put it in bullet points, and only include the important details.


How have I demonstrated Growth as a Learner so Far This Year?

So far this year we have done many projects, most of them focussing on telling a story through either text, videos, photos or all three! I believe I showed and demonstrated growth in all three of my PLP classes this year, and I even took what I learnt to my other non PLP classes/other activities!

Humanities: Humanities is such a big subject, covering both English and history. When I first joined PLP, I didn’t think I would be a big fan of humanities as I don’t know much about history. I have actually really enjoyed this class through both grade 8 and 9, I have learnt a ton, and have pushed myself in this class. I notice myself getting really into some of the things we learn in the subject and I even go home and dig deeper into it. One project from this year that I am proud of has got to be my multi-touch book from our Alberta trip! This book really helps showcase my design skills. I wanted to make it look good and simple, yet still have ALOT of information. I also wanted to make sure it was organized and user friendly. One thing that demonstrates my growth as a learner would definitely be my interviews in Alberta. This made me stretch my comfort zone by a ton, and it was a really good thing for me! I also learnt how to do stop-motion in our recent Frankenstuffy project, so that is another way I have grown as a learner!




Science: I had science in the first semester which feels like forever ago, however there are a few science projects that we did that have stuck with me. These projects stuck with me because I either went out of my comfort zone, or I really enjoyed it and was proud of my work! One specific project that I will be reflecting on today is something that demonstrates growth, and a way that I went to an extending level. This is my element choice, I chose Iron andI took a few notes on it. I think this part of science really helped me elevate my note taking abilities to create clear organized and meaningful notes:

Maker: In maker we focused ALOT on videography and cinematic skills. I grew so much in this class and I actually took what I learnt and have used it in many ways since. The project that I am most proud of is my Run Video, because it does a good job at showcasing what I worked hard on. I think it looks really good and I am proud of it! I was also put into a group where I was a leader, I helped my group and also kind of ran the run video! I also have a project that I feel has room for growth. And that is the thrill us video, I think we have lots of room to grow in this both in our videography, but also our acting. I wasn’t stoked with our end product and I had a better image in my mind. 

Thrill Us video 🔼

Run video 🔽

I think the Run video also demonstrates teamwork, and revision quite well!


DI: I used everything I learnt and brought it into our DI activity! I used my video skills, my photo skills, my creativity, my leadership, and much more. My DI experience demonstrates revision, teamwork, and responsibility very well! That is one example of how I use the things I learn in a positive way!


Looking Ahead: Goals and Strategies

Moving into the rest of the year I have a few plans to help myself improve as a learner. This involves: Sharpening My Learning Plan: shortening it, and making it easier to understand but still including those important details. I also plan to continue putting 100 percent into my work, as well as being prepared for class.


Overall, so far this year has been full of challenges, learning, and growth. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has to offer. Thank you all again for being here and listening to me talk, now its your turn! I now invite you to ask any question that you may have, and to comment on anything you wish:)

Fe-ar not, Iron is here to save the day!

Fe-ar not, Iron is here to save the day!

Credit to Lila for the idea of this image


Welcome back to my blog, and today I will be showing you what we have been working on recently in Science 9! 

Recently we have been focussing on a lot and I mean a lot of stuff, from covalent bonds, to ionic compounds, to diagram and even the elements themselves. Yes, we have been focussing on the very scary intimidating PERIODIC TABLE… Dun Dun DUNNNNNN. 

Ms. Kadi has helped us get over our fear of the periodic table by teaching us how it works, like how it is grouped and she will even read us a chapter about a different element almost every science class! I have learnt all about arsenic, radium and a few more.. 

Now I will be the teacher and launch you our project. For starters everyone picked an element, one that they wanted to learn more about. I chose iron, for a few reasons. Once we picked it, we had to investigate and learn a few things about it. At the end of this project which we still have not reached, we will be painting a drawing that helps represent our element. So in our research that we did we had to also include a rough draft and idea of what we are going to paint! 

Here is my research package about Iron!

let’s hope that works..


Now you know a bunch about Iron!!! Yay. Anyways as I said we have not got to the painting yet, but I am super excited because we don’t get to paint with normal paint, but we get to paint with copper! This is super special because Ms. Kadi made the copper paint herself! Well she is in the process of making it. I am looking forward to painting and I will make sure to do a blog post about it when I am done!


As I reflect on all our informative work we did for chemhistory, it’s clear that chemistry is a lot more than what I thought it was. It’s an umbrella which covers a lot, from the “small” things like elements and compounds to how our world works. From the microscopic movement of particles to the structure of compounds, I am happy and thankful that I learnt all of this as it makes me more appreciative of the scary looking periodic table.

🦠Everything Matters! 🦠

🦠Everything Matters! 🦠

Lately in science we have been working towards answering the driving question: how does the behaviour of atoms influence the properties of solids, liquids, and gasses? For this we did 3 keystones, and object description, an experiment, and a video game pitch, so we could complete our final end product the video game.

First keystone: Who am I? Our first keystone in this project was where we got to pick one random object in the room, and right a few things about it. We had to find out its volume, mass and density, and write a little description without it being to obvious for the person guessing. We also had to wright a quantitative and qualitative observation. Here is how mine turned out:

If you guessed an expo whiteboard eraser, YOU WERE RIGHT!

Second keystone: Our next keystone was the Gummy Bear Diffusion! This was were we were in partners, we came up with a question, a prediction, and a hypothesis for that question. Our question was: Does the colour affect the rate of the gummy bear diffusion in vinegar? Our overall answer was no, the colour did not affect how the gummy bear diffused in the vinegar. I really liked this keystone because we got to eat gummy bears, and it was also just really fun to observe the gummy bears before the vinegar vs after the vinegar.  My partner and I made a poster on Canva about the whole project. We chose to put two different colours of gummy bears in vinegar to see if it would make a difference in the diffusion. We let it sit for 24 hours, and the end result was pretty cool! Overall the gummy bears grew about 2 times the original size, they were a lot more clear and see through, and they were very delicate to the touch. Here is the poster:

Third keystone: For the last keystone we had to make our video game pitch. I started off with this idea that I really liked. Here was my first pitch..

Then i changed my pitch..

And again..

This was my final pitch, but I even edited the end result from what I wrote down here. I found this step and keystone to be very annoying, and important, because without this I wouldn’t know where to start. For my second pitch I actually made the game but then I accidentally deleted a bit of it, so I went to go search up how to get it back but then realized I closed the ab it was on, and wouldn’t let me undo it 🙁 so I made a new pitch… finally ended up with a good final product that I was happy with!

For the Finish Line we made a video game. The video game was created on scratch and had to relate to what we were learning in science.  I started off with this whole idea, I almost finished it, but then I accidentally dragged a whole strip into the “trash” and then I went to search up how to undo in scratch, but I exited it out by accident and it deleted. So I came up with a whole new video game pitch.. My new video game is called “Atom Escape!” It’s where you are an atom, and you have to try to escape out of the maze, there are three levels and a few obstacles to pass. Each level gets harder. At first I found it very challenging, and confusing, and I still do, but it was overall a fun experience and I enjoyed the satisfaction of playing it when it was done! Here is my video game:

Overall my favourite keystone was probably the video game one, even through all of that frustration, it was all worth it in the end! It was still a fun experience, and I learnt ALOT about Scratch. It was definitely challenging, but I am always up for a challenge.

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