Hey y’all, welcome back to my blog! This is the blog post for my tPOL. 


Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I’m also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

The projects I’m going to talk about Becoming a PLP Learner, Comic Cells, New Beginnings, The Outsiders, and Laser Laws. Then I’m going to talk about my growth this year by comparing how I did in different core competencies in different projects.

Becoming a PLP Learner

Becoming a PLP learner was a big project for me. At the time, I was just starting grade 8, and barely knew what was going on. I did really well in that project, which gave me the confidence boost that I needed for the year. In this project, I especially did well in the communication competency. I was easily able to express myself through works such as my user manual and my bitmoji sticker.

Comic Cells

Comic cells impacted me a lot as a learner. In this project, I really struggled with time management. I almost always had to do most of the work at home, and I handed most of it in late. This means that there’s definitely room for me to grow as I go into grade 9. 

New Beginnings

New beginnings was a great project for me. I was interested in most of the subjects we learned about, and I learned a lot of new things. I was able to grow as a learner and focus and work hard on all the work I was assigned.

The Outsiders

The outsiders was a big project for me. It was my first full scale exhibition, and I think I did pretty well. I was able to work well as a team, and the project allowed me to grow into a better team member.

Laser Laws

In laser laws, I grew as a learner in the communication competency. I’m proud of my work in this project because I think I explained my learning well in my presentation. I also excelled in the personal and social competency, because I worked really well with my group to create a nice presentation.

Here’s some evidence of my growth this year:


Laser Laws

Oh, to think about my thinking in laser laws. In laser laws, I demonstrated that my thinking was definitely in need of development. My group’s creation of the laser display was pretty good, but it definitely could’ve been better. If you look at my projects further on, they’ve definitely improved.

Chemistry Coding

Chemistry coding was a big think project for me. The creation of my game was a bit rough at first, but it improved over the project. Eventually, I was thinking at my fullest, creating one of the best end products to a project that I’ve created all year. And that’s on GROWTH!


Becoming a PLP Learner

Oh wow. This project was a bit rough in some spots, but at the same time I excelled in it. For example, my keynote was not very good. It was messy and hard to look at. But on the other hand, my user manual was really good! It was fun to read, and easy to understand.

Comic Cells

In this project, I totally upped my communication game. I was able to clearly express scientific ideas, as the project criteria said. This shows a lot of growth in my communication.

Personal and Social

Medium is the Message

In this project, my teamwork skills were… not there. I helped, but definitely not as much as I should’ve. I was terrible at compromising, so many decisions turned into arguments. 

Destination Imagination

My teamwork skills definitely improved when I did this project. Our team worked together pretty well to come up with a solution for the challenge. Obviously I have much more room to grow, but this project was definitely a jump up from medium is the message, at least in the personal and social competency.

All in all, I definitely have room to grow, but I’m comfortable with my learning and growth so far this year.

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