Writing? Why?


Hello there and welcome back to another blog post. In this post I will be introducing you to my short (upcoming) series of blog posts about writing and poetry. Now you might be wondering, “Why did you choose two topics?” Well, I might answer, they really aren’t different at all. I mean, other than the fact that (SOME FORMS OF) poetry has stricter rules, the line between the two is quite blurry. Either way, I’m going to be talking about both, and in this post, why it matters to me.

Wondering what exactly is the difference between the two? Here’s a link to the definition of Poetry, Writing, and here’s an article about the difference.

How I Use Writing and Poetry In My Daily Life

Now, you might ask me, “Why are writing and poetry even relevant to me?” or “How could I use it in the real world?” Well, here are three examples of how you could involve these in your life, and how I do:

  1. Venting or talking about something you’re passionate about. Many people sometimes need to speak but have no one to say specific things to, and might need to have an output for it. For me, that’s poetry, and it could be greatly helpful to others, too.
  2. Reflection. Often when I have a weird or interesting dream, I write about it and sometimes even add on to it, creating stories. It helps me reflect on my dreams and get me thinking.
  3. School or work. If you’re good at writing, it can help you do better in almost anything, even if it’s something almost completely unrelated to writing. If you’re better with words, it’s easier to make a statement or get a point across.

Why It’s Important To Me and Others

Now, I told you how you could use it in your life, but I still haven’t told you why it’s important. Well, many people find joy in reading what people have written. It’s like an escape from the current world, and allows you to see things from a different perspective. It also can help people express emotions or get their minds working. In conclusion, writing and poetry are important because they can help people think about different things, think from a new perspective or express emotions.

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