What is this project?
This project was all about poems, and how we can make poems that we enjoy and shows who we are! First, before we could get to writing poems, we had to read some. Here is an example of the process we used to understand a poem: (The writing is a bit messy because I was trying to go quickly.)
How does this process work?
Well first we would read over the poem as a class or group, and just write down what emotions or things the poem made you feel. Then, read a second time on your own, and try to identify poetry terms we learnt, and make annotations or notes around the text we are trying to analyze. Then, read it one more time in a group, or as a class and see thinking about what the author is trying to say (what theme is the author saying?), Look for what the poem is about, try to come to a conclusion or summary. This is the same process we used, multiple times to really get familiar with structure of poems, and the terms used in them.
What now?
After we were ready to make our own poems, we would fill out a poetry study guide, which is like a handbook of all the terms we discovered in reading poems. (We had to include at least one of each of these terms in our poems.) To avoid a gigantic list of me explaining all the poems we made and what they mean, why not go and check out my eBook embedded in the top of the page?
Answering the driving question
Once again: The driving question is “How might I write poetry that I enjoy and shows who I am?” My answer to this is: I can’t! It’s more complicated than that but, basically I just don’t enjoy making poems in the slightest (especially when they all have to be about worldview.) But I can make poetry that shows who I am, which I am happy with the way it does so. So the answer to the driving question is a yes and a no for me.
In conclusion, this was not my favourite project. I did not like making the poems, or reading them. But at least I learnt how to make poems that illustrate things like who I am, or what my worldview is.
Thanks for reading this blog post!
– Sven
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