Sydnee’s reflections

“The sun’s gonna rise tomorrow”

Small but mighty


Science is a new subject in my timetable this semester and I am very happy about it. Since January I have had science and we just finished our first project. Within this project we have done many 4 keystones. We have been learning about germs, and the driving question was how can our knowledge of cell biology contribute to public health?

The fist keystone was hands on and was a great way for us to learn about bacteria. What we did was swab 2 different areas and then put them on a Petrie dish.we then observed the growth of the bacteria over a week. We also recorded a journal of what we saw. I chose to swab the soap dispenser in the girls bathroom and the top of a locker. I saw that the soap dispenser had more germs than the top of the locker. I believe this is because the soap dispenser is regularly used whereas the top of the locker is rarely ever touched. 


The next keystone, we had to create characters that were the B cell, T cell, Macrophage, White blood cell, and antibodies. I choose to make my characters Taylor swift songs. The B-cell was Bejewelled, the T-cell was Tim McGraw, the White Blood Cell was White horse, the Macrophage was mastermind, and my favourite was anti hero the antibody. We had to draw a picture of the cell and then add a little description of what the job of the cell is. 


Next we learned about vaccines, and the misconceptions about them. Our group chose to research why people didn’t want to get the vaccine. We found out lots of information on why people didn’t want to get it and then we showed evidence to why the vaccines are safe and why they should get it. 

That last keystone we did was was create a health poster for kids. Elementary students from east view sent us pictures of what they thought germs looked like. We then included those on our poster as well as a catch phrase we Made up. The catch phrase I made was listen to your moms demands, wash your hands. We then included a couple sentences saying why you should wash your hands. 

Thanks for reading, 

Syddy giddy out. 

sydneeg • March 30, 2023

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