Sydnee’s reflections

“The sun’s gonna rise tomorrow”

PLP 8 in Oregon 🌊

Oregon, where to start! Oregon is a truly beautiful place full of amazing things that we got to do! Some things we did went from seeing a gun library, to learning about the war, to learning how to make cheese, and just seeing the natural beauty Oregon has to offer.  

It’s hard for me to decide my favourite thing I learned because it was all so amazing! I took some time to reflect and think I figured it out. On our 2nd day we went to a place called fort Stevens. When we were there there were reenactors who were there to inform people about certain jobs in the army. I decided to go in the medical tent. There were two men in the tent, one a retired doctor who worked in the navy, and a doctor that was still in practice today. The most interesting thing they taught us was how they gave blood to wounded soldiers. In the war, they wouldn’t have had access to refrigeration for medical supplies. They had to find a different way to give patient’s blood. What they did was they took dehydrated plasma, and sealed it in an airtight jar. Then, in another jar, they took sterile water. All the hospitals would receive kits of the plasma and sterile water. To activate it, they added the sterile water to the plasma which created a liquid that would be injected into the patient.

Some of my other favourite spots we went were the Yaquina head tide pools. We got to see some extremely incredible animals in and around the tide pools. My favourite part was exploring and seeing all the beautiful creatures. Some of my favourites were the gumboot chiton (also known as the wandering meatloaf), the sea lemon nudibranch and the iridescent algae. These animals were so cool and so fun to learn about! I hope I get to explore tide pools like this again. The other part of Yaquina head that was really cool was the seals! We went at a time of year when the seals give birth. Not only did we see many baby seals that were adorable, but we even saw a seal being born! This was truly a crazy thing to witness!

Overall Oregon was a blast! I had so much fun learning new things and getting to do it with my friends! I had so much fun talking with friends on long bus rides, taking photons of them sleeping, and just laughing all the time. I made some incredible memories I will never forget. Thanks to all the teachers who worked so hard to make this trip possible. And thanks for having us Oregon!

Find out more abut the trip! 


Syddy Giddy out!

sydneeg • June 11, 2023

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