MPOL ✍️🗣️
Hello and welcome to my MPOL! Or just POL? I’m not sure anymore. No matter what it’s called, you will still be getting a presentation by me showing you my learning so far in this school year.
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
As I sat in my room wondering what to write or how to start writing, I kept asking myself one simple question. Who am I as a learner in PLP 9? When I presented myself with this question I was confused. Not because I didn’t understand, but because I couldn’t come up with an answer. I have been a PLP 9 learner for 7 months and nothing came to mind, until I remembered Jono. It’s funny because memories are weird. I couldn’t tell you what I had for breakfast this morning, but I can still remember those tireless days at loon lake. I remember all the days we spent in the pan abode. Spending time getting to know not only our classmates, but ourselves. I learned who I was as a person, a classmate, and a leader. I am the type of student who enjoys challenging herself and encouraging others. I always try by best and give 100% in my work. I hold pride and care in the work I complete. Going to loon lake helped me gain an understanding of this. After reflecting on my experiences at loon lake through my blog post set a goal for the rest of the year. My goal was to approach every project with a growth mindset and positive attitude.
This was a hard goal for me, and I will admit there were times when I let myself down. During DI I let myself get carried away in what other people were telling me, I didn’t have the chance formulate my own opinion. Its really hard to stay positive when all I could hear from my group members and classmates were things like, I don’t want too, this is terrible, I hate this, why are we doing this, and when is this done. Scientists have discovered it takes 3 positives to cancel a negative. When you are drowning in all these negative perceptions by others it is hard to swim back up and find the positives. I would like too put in more of an effort to swim. I want to be able to see the bright side of a situation, when it is hard. Sometimes it is hard to see the positives until its done. It was only after reflecting on our regional DI performance, through my blog, I had truly realized the impact of DI. DI isn’t about just building a puppet, it was about so much more! It was about learning how to use skills that would be needed for the rest of my life. DI taught me how to work with a team, to think outside the box, to problem solve, and how to be a leader. DI is simply real life.
While completing my TPOL last year, I gave myself a goal to bring into the new year of grade nine. This goal was to be a better group member. In grade eight I felt like the standard of work I wanted to produce wasn’t always at the same level as some of my group members. I expected a lot from my work and I expected the same out of my classmates. If I were to ask someone to complete a task, it didn’t always meet my standard. I would then take it upon myself to do more and more work, because I was compensating for their lack work. This in return made me very stressed and just wasn’t very good for me. When I was presented with our first major group project of this year, metaphor machines, I found the perfect time to achieve my goal. I was a leader in my group. This time, instead of telling people what jobs to do, I asked them what they wanted to do. I used peoples strengths and things they enjoy, to help assign tasks. This helped ensure people enjoyed what they were doing, and they could have a more successful time doing do. I felt this strategy worked very well and it lead us to be the first group with a working Rube Goldberg machine. Another strategy I used that I learned from loon lake was acknowledgement. I showed my group members that I valued the work they did. That I really appreciated them putting in the effort, and them trying their best.
In this first portion of the year, I learned many things. I learned who I was as a learner in plp 9, what DI really means, and how to become a better group member. I am proud of myself for completing my goal from my TPOL last year. I am also very proud to sticking with my learning plan! I have used multiple strategies such as do not disturb, putting my phone away, and managing my sports calendar to ensure I am staying on top of my work. I am excited to continue to use these skills while progressing into a better learner. I hope to continue to find positivity in my life and in school. Thank you for listening to my TPOL, have a great rest of your day.
Syddy Giddy Out