My mPOL (2022)

Hello everyone!

This is kind of a weird post because it’s not specific to any class I have. This post is about my mPOL (midyear Presentation Of Learning), Because we’re coming to the end of semester 1 it’s officially the middle of the school year. Wow I can’t believe it’s already done. In this post I’m going to be answering two driving questions: “How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?” And “How can I sharpen my Learning Plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?”

Core Competency Profiles

This year everyone had to chose their Core Competency profile for each Core Competency these are the ones I chose.


I think that I still need to work on my Communicating competency but, I think that I’ve met my Collaborating competency, I think an example of that is all the group projects that I’ve done specifically my Destination Imagination group. I believe this because my group and I have had to overcome a lot of challenges together one of them was naming our DI group it was a struggle to come to an agreement but we eventually decided on one. I think that shows that we might have different opinions but we always manage to come to a solution.


I think that I still need to work on my Critical and Reflective Thinking competency but I think that I’ve met my Creative Thinking competency. An example of that is my work in the Carr/Herzog project because I had to think of creative ways to photograph things and draw them.

Personal and Social

I think that I still need to work on my Personal Awareness and Responsibility and Positive Personal and Cultural Identity competencies. But I think I’ve met my Social Awareness and Responsibility competency, an example of this is the geek out blogging challenge because one of our assignments was to comment on others posts and I was thoughtful while doing that.


This semester in Humanities we did/are doing three projects: The Medium is the Message, The Outsiders and Working with Words. Click the links to see my reflection on them. I think that my best work so far in Humanities is my poems from our working with words project. I believe this because I found that expressing myself through the different types of poems really helped me find out more about who I am and have helped me progress as a learner.

I think a growth opportunity I had in Humanities this semester was during the medium is the message project, when I did lots of drafts for the advertisement because I had so many people critique me including myself.


This semester in Maker we’ve done/are doing four projects: Becoming a PLP Learner, Constructing Creative Communication (Carr/Herzog), The Geek out Blogging Challenge, and Destination Imagination. A skill that I’m still in the process of developing is my drawing skills from Carr. One thing that I found super frustrating is when I decided to draw Grouse Mountain as my perspective reflection. Why did I find it frustrating you may be asking yourself well, it’s a simple answer SO MANY TREES! I never want to draw another tree in my life. There were so many little lines! Why do mountains have to have so many trees on them anyway? I think my best work to show my progress as a leaner is my user manual from the Becoming a PLP learner project because it helped me start writing with emotion and not just like I’m writing a lab report.

I think a growth opportunity in maker I had this semester was Destination Imagination because I had to come up with different solutions to different projects while simultaneously agreeing with my team.


This semester in Scimatics we’ve done/are doing three projects: Fractions of Your Time, Tectonic Chances and Laser Laws. For our Fractions of Your Time project I didn’t have a blog yet so I wrote a reflection in pages this is it:


I FAIL(ed) when I was starting to set up my laser display I realized that one of the mirrors was in the way of the laser so I had to take it out and reposition the laser so it would hit all the mirrors. Someone from my group also realized that one of the mirrors was not at a 45° angle (we needed it to be) so we had to fix that by moving the mirror back a bit. I think one of my best examples of my progress as a learner was my fractions of your time spread sheet because it made me realize how much time I spend on things (since its not in a blog post this is it):

 I think a growth opportunity for Scimatics this semester was during the Tectonic Chances project. My partner and I were really close to getting an extending on our game rules so we revised them and then we got an extending. I think this was a growth opportunity because it gave me a chance to revise and learn from that revision. 

My Habits, Systems and Learning Disposition

These are my habits, systems and disposition from my learning plan. I think I’m following them very well. I think I’ve adopted all the habits I wanted to adopt and I’m following my system. An example of when I’ve done this is during Scimatics when I didn’t understand something, I googled it, and if that didn’t work I asked a friend or teacher. I think that I’m someone who hands in their homework on time. The only times I’ve handed things in late were because I was sick (and slept in too late to hand it in) or revising. 

Demonstrations of Revision, Teamwork, Responsibility and High Quality of Work 

A demonstration of revision is all the drafts for my advertisement in the medium is the message project:

  • This is my first draft of my business advertisement

My teamwork is shown through all the projects I’ve done with a team and how when we’re placed in random teams I can work with that team even if I’ve never worked with them. 

I believe that overall I’m a responsible person. I’ve been walking to the grocery store (that’s two blocks away) since I was six and taking the bus home since the beginning of grade five. I’ve also shown it through my school work because I hand all my work in on time and the work that I do isn’t sloppy. That transitions to my high quality of work, when I hand things in I always try to make sure that I’ve put thought and effort into it and that I’ve revised thoroughly.

Something I’m going to strive to achieve in the remainder of the school year is making sure the quality of my work stays high and I continue to hand things in on time.

Thanks for reading -Sydney🙃

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