The Grade 8 Improvers of DI

Hello everyone!

This post is kind of part of the geek out blogging challenge but also kinda not. Let me explain so, my teachers decided that instead of writing a final blog post for the geek out blogging challenge we’d write a blog post about Destination Imagination.

What is Destination Imagination (DI)

Destination Imagination is educational experience for grades pre-k to university students. There are seven different challenges: technical, scientific, engineering, fine arts, improvisational, service learning, and early learning. My class is only doing four of the seven: technical, fine arts, scientific, and improvisational. DI has five levels: pre-k, elementary, middle, secondary, and university. DI is in more than thirty countries. If you’d like to learn more about DI click this link: Destination Imagination

All About My Challenge


I got assigned the improv challenge this year it’s called festival frenzy. There are four required improv elements (improv’s version of a deliverable) the first is: Festival. The requirements for festival are my team and I have/had to research 8 different festivals from a list, also when we get to the tournament we will be given 2 minutes of preparation time at that point the announcer will tell us which of the 8 festivals we researched we will have to perform.

The second required improv element is: Goal. The requirements for goal are that at least one character will attempt to achieve the goal that the team will receive during the 2 minutes of preparation time.

The third required improv element is: Fork in the Road. The requirements for fork in the road are that out of the 2 options you receive you must chose one. You will not know the fork in the road till the 30 second intermission between acts.

The fourth and last required improv element is: Box Set. The requirements for box set are that you can have up to 10 commercially produced boxes. You must not modify the box set in any way prior to the presentation. Anything that is removed from the box must not be used in any way.

My Accomplishments 

Some of my accomplishments in DI so far have been that I’ve kept my Basecamp really organized and I’m really proud of that. Another thing I’m proud of is that I’ve managed to stay on top of the work my team assigns me.

Growth Opportunities

A growth opportunity for me in the near future is playing more improv games which, I think will help me improve lessening my bossiness because I tend to be very controlling and want to do everything myself. I think doing improv will help me with this because I’ll need to step back and let others talk because you can’t have a one person improv scene. 

Another growth opportunity is that this challenge will help me grow in the long run with my acting because if I know how to do improv really well then I can save myself when I mess up a line.

My Teammates Blogs

Go check out my teammates blogs!





Instant Challenges

In DI there are these things called Instant Challenges and they are worth 25% of our score and our teachers being the sneaky people they are have been preparing us for these since the beginning of the school year. Here are all the ones I did with my becoming a PLP learner/the medium is the message group:


Thanks for reading -Sydney🙃

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