Maps, and Ships, and Compasses Oh My!

Hello everyone!!!

It’s been way too long since I’ve written a blog post. This project is our second to last project for this year (noooooooooo!) and it’s about the causes and consequences of European exploration. If you didn’t know I greatly enjoy reading and my favourite genre is fantasy and by association pirates. You might be wondering what does pirates have to do with this project Sydney? well, this project is called argh, Matey so even though the driving question was: What were the causes and consequences of global exploration? Pirates were a part of that (and Mr Hughes really likes pirates). 

The final product for this project was a story book thing about the European exploration using the ARmaker app. For this project we started out like usual by understanding what it is in general then we started drawing things that we thought might have been a part of our story for example a treasure chest. 


Then we started to fiddle with ARmaker. We started by just exporting a random image and testing out how to place things and make them bigger so that people can see them well enough. I definitely had a few mishaps while testing this out.


Now that we had the skills for ARmaker we started the writing/story portion of this project. When we started we barely had any knowledge of this subject so some of our stories were pretty crazy but, our teacher kept reminding us that we needed to be open to change our stories because as we learned more info about European exploration we would need to change our stories. This was my first storyboard: 

To write our stories we needed to know more about what the heck the European exploration entailed so we got a few lectures on what it was about. Here’s a few photos during the lectures and all my notes (some of them might not make a lot of sense, even to me!):

Another piece of the building knowledge phase for this project was doing the iron chef protocol the person me and my classmate Francis had to research for this activity was Amerigo Vespucci here’s our work:

Since we were writing fictional stories we needed to learn what historical fiction is. So what is it? “the genre of literature, film, etc., comprising narratives that take place in the past and are characterized chiefly by an imaginative reconstruction of historical events and personages.”

We talked about what movies, books, tv shows, ect… had historical fiction in them and then we talked about how we could potentially incorporate those ideas into our stories.

So, now we’ve had lectures to build our knowledge, we’ve written out our story boards to the best of our abilities, we’ve done a couple of drawings so, what’s next? Well, now its time to get into the nitty gritty of the project. That means filling down our stories so they fit all the criteria, finalizing our drawings and then adding all of that into ARmaker. To help us out with all of this our teachers gave us a check list of all the things we needed to begin filming. This is it:

Ok, now we’re in the final stretches. We needed to start filing so, we took a little trip to Cates park so we could film outside. And the most exiting part was WE GOT PIRATE PAKS!!! (Thank you teachers for organizing it😃) It was really fun having a pirate pak lunch with my friends here’s some pictures of us at Cates: 

(Thank you to Caden, Judah, Hannah and Brooke and a bunch of my class for being in those photos. Go check out their blogs!)

Now it’s time for some school work. We got into groups with grade 10 leaders and set off to film our videos it felt like I did 100 takes because almost every time something went wrong for example I sneeze right in the middle of recording or, I majorly flub my lines even though I had a script right in front of me although it was very difficult because I had my phone on my iPad so I could barely see what the camera as seeing and I had to hold 2 devices at the same time blah, blah, blah, I eventually got a decent take so that’s what you’ll be viewing now, enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed watching and listening to me talk well, it’s more write than talk but whatever.

Thanks for reading -Sydney🙃

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