Life, Plants, and AnimalsšŸŗ

Hello everyone!

Wow, itā€™s been a long time. Itā€™s crazy how long itā€™s been so, forgive me if Iā€™m a little rusty.Ā 

This is my first first science blog post for this year and the project we did was called ā€œhandle with care!ā€ It was all about nature and food webs, life cycles, and all that kind of stuff. I learned lots of things but, I think my favourite has been learning about how food webs and food chains are different things Iā€™ll explain that later when I talk about the keystones for this project.Ā 

I really enjoyed was getting to use a bunch of different tools to do my work for example, we used clips, iMovie, a fake social media post maker, and others. I really enjoyed the creativity that came with that.Ā 

One thing I didnā€™t really enjoy was how sometimes a bunch of the class was gone because of the Alberta trip. And that kind of threw everything off which I didnā€™t really like.Ā 

Something Iā€™ll take away from this project is that we donā€™t necessarily need to kill off the thing that causes a habitat and that thereā€™s usually a different way that we can handle it.Ā 

In this project we had three keystones (itā€™s been awhile so a quick reminder that keystones are the building blocks for a project) the first was a coded food web we used scratch like in the ā€œchemistry codingā€ project. The second keystone was a mock news report, mine was about the wolf culling. The third (and final) keystone was five different fake social media posts.Ā 


Keystone #1 – Food Web

For this keystone we have to create a realistic food and then write a reflection. Hereā€™s mine:

My reflection:

In my food web the humans donā€™t really have that much effect because itā€™s mostly just bugs and animals that humans arenā€™t known to eat. I think that thereā€™s definitely a possibility that humans could impact my food web if they decided to start eating things that they donā€™t normally eat. My food web shows Interconnectedness because I think almost everything eats at least one other thing on the food web and everything eventually comes full circle. There are a couple things that donā€™t get eaten but those either provide food or eat other things. Everything in my food web would be destroyed if something got taken out and I think thatā€™s a pretty good example of Interconnectedness.

Keystone #2 – Mock News Report

For this keystone we had to make a mock news report about a subject that we were assigned, like I said earlier I was assigned the wolf culling hereā€™s the news report I made

Keystone #3 – PSA!

In this keystone we made five different social media posts about five different things that we learned. The earthā€™s sphereā€™s, Biocummulation/Biomagnification, Food webs, local wildlife management, and nutrient cycles. I used this website for my different fake posts: Enjoy! (Click the links to see the photos







Well thatā€™ll be all folks I think this has been an amazing first project and as I write this weā€™ve currently started a new project which Iā€™m super excited for! I hope you enjoyed this post look out for the next one!

Thanks for reading -SydneyšŸ™ƒ

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