Hello everyone!
Unlike most of my other recent blog posts for this semester this will not be my final humanities blog post because, humanities is a mix of socials and English so it goes for all the year. The final product for this project was a slam poem about the Industrial Revolution (weird, I know but it worked out pretty well).
Continue reading 🌳🌿Why Should I Care For The Consequences?📜🏭 →
Hello everyone!
This blog post is about a project we did called finding fun with videos! We learned lots of skills such as, jump cut, AR skills, green screen editing, and stop motion!
Continue reading 🎥📺The Best Videos You’ve Ever Seen🎞️📸 →
Hello everyone!
I think this is my last science blog post ever because next year I have main stream science not PLP science. That’s really weird to think about. Maybe, just because I know everyone loves reading these I’ll keep writing them to make all you happy!
Continue reading ⚡️A Buzzing Operation🐝 →
Hello everyone!
Since winter break ended we’ve done two different skill sprint like projects: the one I’m writing about now, the rollercoaster and and project called finding fun with videos.
Continue reading 😄The British Columbia Thriller Coaster🎢 →
Thank you for reading my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
Continue reading Yay Another MPOL 🤗*Jazz Hands*🤗 →
Hello everyone!
Welcome back to the blog. This time were talking about the humanities project we finished right before winter break. If you remember the blog post I did a couple weeks ago. That was part of the project. If you need a refresher click here to read the post!
Continue reading 🇭🇹The Haitian Revolution On Trial🇫🇷 →
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