The Loon Lake Chronicles

Hi everyone!

Wow its been a long time since my last blog post I think I’m a little rusty. This blog post is about my first field study. This was an amazing first field study (even though there were a few talkers at night) and I’m sure your dying to know where we went. I’m sure some of the people reading will already know but, drum roll please… we went to Loon Lake! Wow was it beautiful there. It was so nice to be out in the fresh air (especially because we had to wear masks inside, curse you covid!). We’re so lucky that we even got to go. Like one of my previous posts (functioning in the company of terms) we made a book in book creator, so later in post make sure to have a look at it.

This learning advance was about advancing our learning and growing as a team. The way we’ve decided to show this is through the book we made in book creator. This was my first learning advance and I was a little nervous for it but I was prepared and I didn’t need to be nervous because it was a blast! Next advance I think I’ll bring a pair of gloves and a bigger pillow. 

At the beginning of this advance we were given a template for the book and we were told to add as much as we want as long as we fill out all of the template. I added a lot of extra things which include: what we did each day, the different foods that I ate, and a high lite of each day + the filled out template. 


This is my book I think it really shows what we did and it’s a really cool way to reflect because as my teachers always quote: 

“We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience.” -John Dewey

I hope you enjoy it!

Here’s some photos/videos that didn’t quite make the cut for my book:

This is my bag:

This is Blondie’s (her real name’s Hannah) action shot:

Shots of the lake:

The rope bridge!!!!

Battle Archery:

Laser tag:

Funky mirror me:

Braiding Blondie’s hair:

Ms Willemse and Mr Hughes throwing food at us: IMG_3776


Overall this was an amazing experience that I’m so glad I went on I really liked how much structure the day had (it was really cool to have a set schedule). I think that I made some friends and strengthened my already existing friendships on the advance. I think some people might be wondering why is it called an advance when we went to Loon Lake a lodge and Retreat it’s called an advance because as PLP students we never retreat! I think on this advanced i strengthened my Social Awareness and Responsibility and my Personal Awareness and Responsibility core competencies because I had to take care of the environment so I could help preserve its natural beauty and when someone needed help I did my best to help them.

In future field studies as I mentioned I want to bring a bigger pillow and some gloves. Those are kind of weird things to bring but I have reasons: I want a bigger pillow because the pillow I brought was so small that my head barely fit on it and I want gloves because when I was pulling the rope raft bridge thing and building a shelter my hands got very cold. Another thing i’d do for future field studies is take even more photos because I took a lot but I still feel like I didn’t take enough.

Thanks for reading -Sydney🙃

One thought on “The Loon Lake Chronicles”

  1. What a great experience and terrific way to learn. Te book was amazing – a wonderful way to have a record of the “advance” to look back on. More pictures would be very welcome. Maybe include some that someone has taken of you.

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