Category Archives: Humanities

Social Studies + English

The Loon Lake Chronicles

Hi everyone!

Wow its been a long time since my last blog post I think I’m a little rusty. This blog post is about my first field study. This was an amazing first field study (even though there were a few talkers at night) and I’m sure your dying to know where we went. I’m sure some of the people reading will already know but, drum roll please… we went to Loon Lake! Wow was it beautiful there. It was so nice to be out in the fresh air (especially because we had to wear masks inside, curse you covid!). We’re so lucky that we even got to go. Like one of my previous posts (functioning in the company of terms) we made a book in book creator, so later in post make sure to have a look at it.

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Functioning in the Company of Terms

Hello everyone!

This blog post is about my newest and last project of semester 1. This project is called Working with Words, it’s all about poetry and getting to know and express ourselves through poetry. The driving question of this project is: How might I construct text that shows who I am right now? This one of my favourite projects that we’ve done so far. 

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Ads, Ads, Lots of Ads!

  • This is my first draft of my business advertisement


 Hey everyone! I’m here to post about my first Humanities project. For this project our driving question was ‘how does what we see, here and read influence us?’

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