Winter Exhibition!

Personal Topic- How is global warming affecting the wildlife on the North Shore?

Group Topic- Global Warming/ Rising sea levels

Global Warming is affecting the local wildlife on the north shore and around that area. How do I know? I studied it. Along with a group of four others for our Winter Exhibition.
We all had slightly different topics. For example, my topic was on “how global warming is affecting wildlife on the north shore” while another person in my group was doing “how we can change housing to fit rising sea levels” (I’m sorry melanie, I don’t know your topic word for word).

In our group we had some troubles. The idea was that we all were put in the group and we all worked together to make our section of the room and our part of the experience of the exhibition as good as possible. But the way it was seemed that the person elected for leader of the group was actually being told that they needed to figure out this because the person that was meant to had to work on their project. But the leader of the group needed to as well. So there was a small chaos at that.

My project-
‘How is wildlife on the north shore being affected by global warming’ was my topic. And what a better way to explain then through puppets?
I chose 3 animals, a North American Tree Swallow (Bird), a Salmon (fish), and a Otter (mammal). I decided to study them then have their puppets talk about how global warming was affecting them.

(photos 1,2,3,4,5+6 here)

On the day of however, I abandoned the script I made and decided instead to just use the puppets as a explanatory display.
Meaning I used the puppets to show what would happen.

(Photo 7 here)
This is how I made my puppet show. Now I know it’s not extremely detailed, but there was only so much I could fit to screenshot

Group work-
As a group we sat at our table, people destructed and off topic saying they were finished and working on something else, or NOT finished and working on their project even though it was clear that they were playing games or on *cough evil* Social Medias, while only a few of the group actually did stuff. So when we were planning on the first day was the day we got the most stuff done! We did plan a lot that day but some things were planned often and didn’t end up happening.

My groups blog sites-

(I don’t have them all, I will add later the rest)

The day of-
Our group was set up and ready to go! Except one thing… the drink we decided to make- tasted like liquid toothpaste! So there went our food/drink idea
Food/Drink ideas-
We were going to make a citrus tea for people to drink where before handing it out we would put an ice-cube in the cup and say ‘watch the ice cube! Thats whats happening to the ice areas on Earth!’. But as I said before, it tasted gross, so what did we do with it?! Had the science teacher try it, of course!
The story goes~

Melanie and I didn’t have any viewers so we went to prank one Klausen! We went up to her and said ‘Try our edible (kinda) experiment!’ And so we handed her a cup. She took a sip and said ‘I love you guys, but don’t try to make drinks again!’ And we walked away laughing.
Sea-weed -n- Streamers! (The story)-
In group 3, the group decided to hang dark green streamers hanging down from the ceiling! Now, when a finished group is done setting up and has nothing to do what do they do? Run through the streamers to annoy the streamer guardian Alivia!
What would I have done differently?-
The amount of participation of some of the other members of my group [in our group there were mostly two people doing all the organizational stuff while everybody else fooled around and made excuses. If i could change it i would have all the group work together to make it work]

(photo 9 here)

Set up [when all the grade 8’s were setting up, we had to clean up what the grade 9 + 11’s had left behind. If we could change it i think all the navig8 students would agree, we wouldn’t want all that to be there to clean up which would have given us more time to decorate!

(Photo 8 here)

Decoration- our group had ok decorations. But i think we definitely could have done better. With so little organization on that subject we ended up with a blue tarp on the floor as the ocean and the dark. If we could have changed the way it was to make our section more showing of our section I think it would have been cool!

Now I know there’s a LOT of text and writing in this post but there’s also photos and things as well so you know what? I think i didn’t do too bad.

i found all the photos went to the top. Oh well! I’ll learn how to fix that later! I’m sorry it now looks like a sea of text. Just pretend the photos are there!

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