Growth Mindset Learning Portfolio Post

What is growth mindset? What does it have to do with learning? All your questions and more will be answered here today on Tamoos Blog—>

What is Growth Mindset?
A growth mindset is when your not tied to one thing. That makes no sense? Good, because it was a terrible attempt to start explaining this. RETRY!

A growth mindset is hard to explain if I don’t explain a fixed mindset first.
A fixed mindset is when you believe that there is only one way. If someone says “I cant do it” and refuses to try, then they have a fixed mindset. “I can’t do math” is one example. Then to make it a fixed mindset statement you just ad “I can’t do math YET”.

Fixed mindset turned to growth mindset statements:
“I can’t dance” ~ “I cant dance yet”
“I can not swim” ~ “I can not swim yet”
“I can’t play soccer well” ~ “I can’t play soccer well yet”

If you ad “yet” to the end it’s adding that chance of hope to the statement. “I cant swim yet, but Im going to try my hardest and give all I can to learn how to” is a growth mindset statement.
“I can not dance yet, however I’m signing up for classes and I will learn as well as I can how to” or “I cant play soccer well yet, but I do it because it’s fun. From now on I will try harder and I believe that can make me better”. Those last three statements are using a growth mindset.

Many people say “I cant do it” to something but either they just don’t want to try, or they haven’t tried enough. They just have to ad the word “Yet” to the end and believe that they can do it, then they just have to work hard and soon they will be able to do it.

What does a growth mindset have to do with learning?
The main subject in school that people believe they “cant do” is math. You hear people complaining about it all the time. Always you hear people say “I hate math”, “I don’t like math”. Truth is, its usually a cover up that they believe they can’t do math so they don’t try so they end up not liking doing it. It’s not a good way to learn.

When your learning you want a growth mindset, so that you are willing to learn and are not just “nope I’m bad at this, I cant do it”. You want to be able to sit there and listen, take notes and learn, even if you know it’s something you know you will never use in you life outside of school. You just have to say- “I am not great at this, I may not use this later in life, but I should try to get a better understanding of it because you never know when you need to know this kind of thing”.

Its a good quote for growth mindset because it shows that even after trying 10,000 times maybe its the 10,001 time that you end up understanding and getting it right. If you don’t say “I’ve failed” then you haven’t failed yet.

School work we have done on this subject:
I went away on a trip for the second half of the Growth Mindset part of our Maker class. So I am going to use what I did learn on the first half for this part.

For our Growth mindset part of Maker at the start of the year we did a some different assignments like a chart on what we have a growth and fixed mindset on, and a quite a bit of note taking on what a Growth Mindset is compared to a Fixed mindset.

The Fixed / Growth Mindset Chart-

This chart shows what my fixed and growth mindset things were back in whatever month(s) that was. That was the assignment then, this is the assignment updated-

The differences:

The old chart showed that I had a fixed mindset about some math, sleep, drawing good people and “team sports”. It also showed that I had a growth mindset on other topics (dance, karate, art swimming). If you look at my updated chart you will see that it has some new topics and has gotten rid of some of the other things. So even in just a few months, I tried hard enough to remove some things off my Fixed Mindset list and add more to my growth mindset list.

Note Taking-

Throughout our time learning about mindsets we took many motes on what a mindset was, how it is important to learning and much more. Thought this blogpost I believe that I have used the knowledge that I learnt throughout what I learnt from our Growth Mindset section of Maker this year.

Thank you for reading.

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