Julius Caesar; Historical Figure L.P.P.

Julius Caesar was a Roman worrier and leader. He was rose to fame in Rome, then many years later Shakespeare wrote a play about the story of how he died and what happened after. To this day people quote the play, and believe to be quoting Caesar himself. His life consisted from when he was born on the 13 of July, 100 BCE, until the 15 of March, 44 BCE.
During that time his (working) occupation was as a Dictator and Consul of the Roman Republic.

He had 3 wives, Cornelia (dead), Pompeia (divorced), Calpurnia (married until Caesars death).
He had 3 children, Julia c., Caesarion, Augustus (adopted).
His parents were Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia Cotta.
He followed the religion of the Roman polytheism.

Caesar played a large part in the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Proof? Im pretty sure that his death was the reason that the Roman Empire rose in the first place.

He died on March 15th, 44 BCE. A date known well as it is a huge part of Roman history and is part of Shakespeare’s famous play; Julius Caesar. In the play a Soothsayer predicts Caesars death on the ides of march (the 15th) and tells him “Beware the ides of March” a quote known globally to this day.

However Caesar ignores this warning and cares not about the so called “prophecy”. Even when his wife dreams his death on the night turning into the 15th. He is asked to stay at home by Calpurnia but refuses after being pursued by Decius Brutus that his wife’s dream was no reason to not attend a senate meeting and so he went and ended up getting stabbed to death. Listen to you wife and her dreams dude!

After the death of Caesar many civil wars broke out and I’m not sure the end outcome other than the fact that Rome want totally destroyed or anything because it still stands and I plan to visit it one day.

But Caesar was not the only one that was requested to be killed on the ides of march. Another who didn’t end up getting stabbed at that point in time was Caesars loyal friend/colleague Mark Antony who Cassius (the person who wanted Caesar dead in the first place but had Markus Brutus do it instead) said that they (the conspiracy) should kill along with Caesar. In the end, (according to the play and history) they let Antony live and even speak at his funeral. Where he made a speech after Brutus and turned all of the public onto “the revenge for Caesar” team and convinced everyone that the conspirators were bad and he to be killed.

After Caesars death came the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Soon after his death many civil wars began and ended with the rise of the Roman Empire.

Famous lines from the play:
“Et tu brutè” (I feel like the accent is necessary for some reason)
“Beware the ides of march”

The 12 Roman gods-

Jupiter- King of Gods
Juno- Goddess of Marriage
Neptune- God of the sea
Venus- Goddess of Love
Pluto- God of the Underworld
Vulcan- God of the Forge
Ceres- Goddess of the Harvest
Apollo- God of Music and Medicine
Minerva- Goddess of Wisdom
Diana- Goddess of the Hunt
Mars- God of War
Mercury- Messenger of the Gods

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