Destination Imagination

Recently, Destination Imagination was introduced to our class. And by recently, I mean we just did the Regional’s last week (if your reeding this way after its posted, I mean the weekend of the 25th of February 2017).

My group and challenge:
For my group, I was put in the Engineering Challenge. Lucky for me I was put in charge of the story and script and got to do something I really enjoy doing. Unfortunately for some people in my group, some of my other group members were not as “enthusiastic” about the whole project itself.

For our challenge we had to come up with a story where representatives from two countries (we decided Nepal and China) had to come together and meet to talk about a global issue (we decided an earthquake that had destroyed the connection between the two countries and was affecting the way that product were getting around the world) and they had to fix the problem. There also had to be two balsa wood structures included in the story. With team choice elements as part of it too.

My group had two representatives come to talk about designs for a new bridge, but when they arrived they had two different models and had an argument about which was better.

Unfortunately about an hour before we were going out to present for the regionals, we found out the two balsa wood structures were two big. We tried to fix them but it didn’t work out and we ended up going out to present without our structures. That lost us a lot of points in the competition.

In the end we came in 6th out of seven teams. That means that one team managed to somehow come below us in the competition. I really wonder how that is possible, but our place is fine for me. Especially since I feel like we did a lot improv for our presentation that wasn’t planned (meaning of improv right there folks).

Team choice elements:
My group had two team choice elements. A huge TV screen that we acted behind, and a paper mâché sand map. They both took time to build. At first our big TV screen was made of cardboard, but it broke (kind of a good thing) and we had to remake it with wood (it looked way better made of wood). The map was of sand covered hills and valleys. Im pretty sure thats not what Nepal or China looks like, but oh well.

Original plan⬇️       What we ended up with⬇️

The Cast:
There was of course rolls that had to be played. We had a reporter (jamie), two representatives (Luca O.G. and Owen) and two aprovees (myself and Marshall). the person with the biggest part was Jamie. he had to be the narrator while also pretending to be a news reporter. We all worked hard to memorize our script and to get into character.

Costumes: our costumes were pretty much, we all had to wear something that we thought someone working for the government making plans to build a new monument would wear. like a fancy dress almost. so everyone -of course- had different ideas of fancy-work-dress. some came with just a tie, some with a full suit jacket, and some just wore a button up shirt or a hoodie. In the end we looked, like a group of kids trying to looked dressed up.

Plans before hand:
Before the regionals, we had a lot of work done. We built our structures, wrote the script, learned our parts and made props. But during that plans kept changing and things had to be added. Over the time we were working, I had to make so many changes to the script that by the time it was finished it looked nothing like what it had looked like when I started. It had jokes, a lot of cut lines that didn’t need to be there and quite a bit of fixed grammar. we also ended up going to present without our original structures. Changes and surprises met us at every corner and soon we could have been an Improv challenge team. And i’m pretty proud of how we did without our script being able to be fully followed.

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