Take Your Kid To Work Day

Today was Take Your Kid To Work Day for the ninth grade students in our school district.

I went to work with my dad, a web designer who is also working on a web school so that you can make your own website. It was really interesting and a good learning experience.

My Day looked like this:

6:15am- wake up
6:30am- leave house to go to BNI (Ill explain later in the post)
6:45ish am- arrive at seymour golf club for BNI
7:00ish am- talk with people at BNI and listen to people talk about business
7:15ish am- eat breakfast
Sometime between 7:15am and 8:30am- eat, listen to BNI members do 60sec informercials about their businesses, do my own 60sec informercial about PLP, leave.
9:00ish am- Get home
9:00ish am to 12:00ish pm- work
12:00ish pm to 1:00ish pm- get sushi, return home from lunch
1:00ish pm to 2:08pm- work
2:08pm to 2:44pm- Film video (work)
End of work day


My Dads Job

My dad is a web designer. He makes websites, and is nearly finished a course for business owners who want to build their own websites (or normal people as well if they want).

Today I was the mistake checker for his course. I got to work pretending to be a customer and finding mistakes and errors in the course so that there aren’t any mistakes when the course goes live.

It was time consuming, but editing things is what we do in PLP a lot so it’s not something I have a problem doing. And while going through what I was, I learnt a lot about how to make a website. Bonus!

My dad owns a web design company called IWS (Internet Web Solutions) that started originally in Melbourne Australia but when we moved here to Vancouver, the business moved too!

Last year when we did an advertising unit in school, we had to make ads for a company that we could interview the owner and make the kind of ad that they wanted. I did my dad’s!



BNI stands for Business Networking International.
Its where business owners wake up really early on a Wednesday morning and have breakfast together and talk about business and life. Today, because it happens to be a Wednesday, I was taken to experience what happens at the BNI meetings.

There were two other grade 9 students there because of TYKTWD as well, one from Windsor and one from Argyle. The guy from Argyle was in a Starwars commercial. I was told I was the best public speaker of the three of us- Thanks PLP!

There’s a lot to say about BNI and some stuff I don’t understand so if you want to learn more about BNI you can check it out by clicking the tital to this passage about BNI.


My 60 seconds of PLP

While attending BNI, everyone gets up and does a 60 second informercial about their business. They say who they are, what they do and say some stuff about their business.

I also had to get up and do a 60 second informercial. And I decided to talk about PLP.

I talked about how PLP is a program offered at Seycove Secondary, how it is a project based learning program and how we use iPads as a learning tool.

It was short but informative and I was asked some questions after as well. PLP is famous now, lets take down the earth one LPP at a time!

Just kidding! We need to win DI first.


In The Office

My dad works from home;

When we lived in Australia he had an office built in the back yard so he wasn’t quite working in the house, but still at home.
And when we moved here, he’s had an office in each house.

In our house now, his office is downstairs, where there are no distractions and no people to make noise.

It’s really lucky for my sister and I that our dad was always at home when we had to come home from school because of sickness and for Pro D days and winter, spring and summer break.


So you could say I am reasonably comfortable in my dads office.

Ive spent a reasonable amount of time there.

Interview With My Dad

I did an in interview with my dad, this is what he said-


The Thingy About What Job I Would Do And Stuff

Since its the job I know the most about, and have some skills in due to years of hearing about it and some skills from writing blog posts, I would say the job I am most fit for in my dads company is my dads.

Writing blog posts and websites is different I know. But I feel like knowing how to write a blog post is helpful (my dad recently was working on a blog website so…).

Ive grown up hearing about my dads job and seeing what he does and so I have a general understanding of what to do and how things are done. PLUS with take your kid to work day, I was editing a course made to help people design their own websites so now I have even more knowledge (although if I was asked to make a website for someone at this point in time I probably couldn’t do it).

I feel like being a website designer would be pretty cool! And now Ive gotten to see a day in the life of a Web Designer at work!


I learnt lots and it was a generally fun day! Thanks to my dad for letting me hang out with him for the day and see what he does and letting me help!


And with this, the end of this LPP arrives. Thanks for reading!



BONUS: Footage of me Working-

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