Fred & George Are Smol Sprouts

“Seriously another @#$%^&* car?!”

Apparently filming a science video outside near a parking lot is obnoxiously hard to do.

And of course, I learnt this difficult life lesson doing our latest project for our latest science unit.


The Unit™

In our latest unit in science, we have been learning about reproduction.

We watched one video on human reproduction, but we mainly learnt about plant reproduction.

We looked at how cells work during reproduction and how everything works.

There were two sides to our learning-

Sexual Reproduction [or] Asexual Reproduction


Sexual Reproduction (in plants)

Sexual Reproduction is the reproduction of plants (or animals but we’re talking about plants here so…) using two parents.

When a plant is produced sexually, it is different from the parents and siblings.


Asexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction means that there is only one parent that produced the plant of choice.

When a plant is asexually produced, it is identical to its parent and siblings.

There are many ways to asexually reproduce plants, some of these being;



Our Project

For our latest project, we were cloning dandelions and a plant of choice.

We cloned two dandelions named Fred and George. Ironically (if you are a Harry Potter fan) Fred died, and George survived to become a smol sprout.

Our other plant of choice was Rosemary. It died. That’s all I can really say about it honestly.

We used our knowledge of reproducing plants to try to asexually reproduce the dandelions.

In the end we ended up with a beautiful son named George, who was but an experiment. Now he is a lil leafy-poo.

I am very proud of our George for growing and making this project more of a success.





But also a tribute to Fred, the one and only (both plant and character).


Our Project Pt. 2

The second part of our project was making a video.

We were asked to create a video, pretending to be a science lab asking for money for our studies.

We had to explain our studies, what we want to do in continuing our studies, and how our experiments work.

The video

Our Requirements Rubric Looked Like so—



This project was very interesting, I learnt a bunch about plants and cells and reproduction.

I did this project with my pretty amazing group of;


And of course me.


Thank you for reading!!!


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