Hi and welcome back to Me, Myself, and I. Today we got to reflect on all the assignments we’ve done so far and pick which ones we wanted to write about. These are some of my favourites…
WordPack- One thing I learned from this was ways to describe myself. I thought it was really cool the ways we get to put our personality into words which made an amazing picture. I also learned how to use the app. I had no idea what the app did, but now I think I’m way more experienced and I actually enjoy doing this on my own time. This projects was also the first project where we got to present them to the class. I thought it was great how I got to see other people’s and hear people’s opinions on mine.
Laptop Memoji- The laptop Memoji was one of my favourite projects. I got to learn how to display my learning with stickers and photos. I also learned a lot about how to use the app keynote. I learned how to make a border around a picture, how to remove a background of a photo, and so many other tings. This project I also really enjoyed because I think this was one of my first projects in PLP that I thought I did really well on and it showed. One thing that I thought was really special about this project was that it was the first project that I really learned how to revise a project. My first draft of the Laptop Memoji wasn’t as good as it could’ve been, so I changed it and the second one was much better.
Dream Board- Making a dream board was very fun. We got to identify what we want to do in our lifetimes and what our goals were. I liked displaying my dream board in photos, words, and some drawings. Some of the things that I dreamed about were, travelling to different places, seeing the 7 wonders of the world, graduating university, and having a great career. I thought my dream board turned out very well, but I think my drawings could’ve been a little more accurate and clear.
Bucket List- Our bucket list was identifying our goals and dreams. We did these in the areas of travel, adventure and fun, and other. I thought it was cool because I got to really thinking about what I wanted to do in my life. I thought I did a pretty good job on this assignment. The only thing that I think I could’ve done better on was adding more to my list of other. I think that I could’ve done more depth and added more content. One thing that I thought was really cool about this project was that we had a class discussion of it and I got to see what I did and didn’t have in common with other people.
This was my dream board
This was my WordPack where I described myself
This is my bucket list
And last but not least, this was my Laptop Memoji