Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About the Huger Games
The Hunger Games: world famous books, amazing and inspirational, but are they overrated? I’m happy to give this answer: No! I will admit it, when I first heard about the Hunger Games, my immediate reaction was “Not in a thousand years.” But I was wrong, and this leads to a great story.
I have an older brother and my favourite thing to do when I was younger was to copy him. I copied him on my favourite show, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, I copied him on music, on books and a thousand other things. So I remember when he started reading the Hunger Games. I thought about it, and I decided I would read the series too. Then one day I was sitting on the couch and I opened the book, it was okay I thought. But then I overheard him talking to his friend about the Hunger Games. I heard them talking about all the sad things in it (not being specific because I don’t want to spoil it). Now, at this time it’s probably good to say that I was about 8 when this happened. So when I heard what the book was actually about, that was when I vowed that I would never read the Hunger Games.
As I got older I still never read the books. But my brother kept saying that I should read them, that I would 100% love them. But I still didn’t. Then my aunt came over to my house with a huge bag of books for me. I was so happy looking through them and I saw that she had included the Hunger Games. Unfortunately, so did my brother. He then told me that I had to read it. Day after day he kept telling me to read them. So I finally did. And I loved them. I’m not kidding when I say the at I didn’t put down those books for days. I managed to finish the books in 2 weeks. Of course, all I heard from my brother was, “I told you so!” But, and I hate to admit this, he was right, and he told me so.
Questions and answers:
1. What’s the basic plot of the books? The basic plot is this: The world has been destroyed and a country is divided up into 12 districts. Every year, a girl and a boy are chosen from each district to go to the capital and fight until there is only one left alive. All for the enjoyment of the world. The book centres around a girl named Katniss who’s fate is changed when she reads the name drawn out of the cup.
2. Are the books really dark? I will say that the theme of the book is definitely dark, but surprisingly, they don’t get into much detail and the author tells it in a way that makes it somehow feel fine.
3. Are the books really sad? There are 100% some sad moments in the book. But the good thing about the books is that they aren’t all doom and gloom. There are happy and funny moments as well as the serious ones.
4. Are they difficult to read? I wouldn’t say that the books are too hard. There are definitely some words and some things that might be more difficult, but nothing crazy.
5. What’s a good age to read the Hunger Games? It really depends on the person. I would say for me when I first heard about the books at 8, it might’ve been a little too young. So I think when I read the books last year it made a lot more sense and the sad parts didn’t make me as sad as they would’ve at 8 years old.
The best things about the Hunger games:
-They are super entertaining
-They are written so well
-They are really popular so you can talk about them with lots of other people
-They aren’t hard books to read, the language is easy and relevant
-They are a good length, maybe 200-300 pages
-The themes and plot are set in a completely different world, yet they are somehow still relevant to today’s society
The (few) Downsides to the Hunger Games
-For me they were a good length but for some people 200-300 pages might be a little too long
-All the books were great but at least in my opinion, the other 2nd and 3rd aren’t as good
-If you really, really hate sad books, this may not be your thing
-There are no pictures, which makes sense because they’re novels, but there were a couple times where I just wanted to see what was going on in the author’s mind
This is an animated GIF I made for this page. I added a background and added pictures of the books, so you can get a visual of what they look like.
Background Photo Credit: Josh Calabrese (On Unsplash)
Geek-Out Reflection!
This week we learned how to get our geek on! Basically everybody geeks out about something, so we just found what we geeked out about and wrote about it! For me, I think the blogging process went great. I really like to write and I got to do it about something that I’m passionate about, ( The Hunger Games) it just makes it even easier. The only thing that I would change is that at the start of this blogging process, I had a lot of trouble deciding what I should write about. But I think that once I found what I wanted to do, the assignment was great.
The Geek-Out challenge provided a different kind of assignment to what we’ve done before. Usually in our blog we make a post about an assignment we’ve already done but this time our assignments were our posts and we learnt was we went along. I also felt like I was writing for someone else. I wrote about the Hunger Games, so I think that I developed a style of writing that made people want to read the books. This gave me a convincing kind of feel to my posts. I think that I generally write for myself. When I write I’m writing because I enjoy it, and it’s just for me, but this time I was writing for other people, and I still had fun!
Did I enjoy writing this page? That’s a difficult question. At the start, when I couldn’t think of what I wanted to write about, no, I hated it. But once I found my thing, it was easy and enjoyable.
I learned a lot form this experience. I learned how to make my writing more interesting and compelling. We did this by adding lots of detail and in some cases making it more suspenseful or more in-depth. The biggest thing that I learned from this experience was that I do have things that I’m passionate about. For example, before this assignment if someone asked me what I would write about, I would have no idea. But once I thought of the Huger Games and I got to writing, I think I became even more passionate. So by writing about what you geek-out about, you can become even more geeky about that subject.
This process definitely had it’s ups and its downs. One of the ups was getting to write. I feel like in class I don’t get to write as much as I used to in other grades, so this assignment came at the perfect time. I also just got to dust off my writing skills. I think I was getting a little less interested and good at writing, simply because I hadn’t done it in a while. Now I’m feeling much better about my writing and I want to do it more. One downside was the first class. I simply couldn’t think of what I wanted to do for the Geek-Out challenge. I’ll admit that I was stressed, and it took a while for me to figure it out. That was definitely a downside.
I don’t really know if I’ll keep posting on my blog. I would love to keep writing about my Geek-Out, but I just don’t know if I’ll post about it. Maybe I’ll post about other things that I love and enjoy. I think that the best part of this assignment was that I got to learn how to write about these kind of things. So the skills that I learned from these blog posts aren’t just for this assignment, I can use them in all of our other assignments as well. Anyway, thanks again fro visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy this version of the GEEK-OUT CHALLENGE!
Photo Background Source: Emil Widlund (On Unsplash)