Lake of Loons!

Hello, and welcome to my loon lake blog post. This post will talk about the first PLP feild study of the year (for my grade): my second Loon Lake Trip. On this trip, we did a three day leadership course, which was something I had never done before. This course was led by an amazing guy named Jono, so if I say that name, you know who it is.

On the day we left, everyone was very excited to be going on out first field study of the year, so we boarded the bus, and one and a half hours later, we had arrived in a completely new and beautiful place.

Arrival at loon lake

Since we were there for an absolutely packed five days, I will only go over the parts of the trip that influenced me the most.

The first part of the trip that I found really cool and that I think changed me as a person, was the workbook and the cool realization that came with it. Throughout the first three days of the trip, there was a workbook filled with self-exploration questions and activities, and with Jono’s guidance, I learned about myself in a way I never knew I could.

Debrief with Jono

The second part I will talk about was the personal posters. These were poster we made to show off who we are, and at first I was embarrassed that mine looked worse than others, or had less drawings, but throughout the course of the trip so many people wrote kind things on it that I felt completely satisfied with its representation of me. (every day we had time to write appreciations of something that person did that day)

Max and Mateo writing appreciations

We also did many outdoor activities, like low ropes, high ropes, and climbing. But my favourite outdoor activity was the two and one half hour hike we did on the last day. This hike takes you all the way around the lake

High ropes milk crate challenge
Rock climbing
Low ropes course

And my favourite: the hike

Amazing photo by Faith Sheewe

I really enjoyed the hike because Loon Lake is such a beautiful place, and I loved having that one last memory to remind me of this.

Thanks for reading my post. Goodbye.

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