Hey guys and welcome back to my blog. This is one of the three blog posts I have released today. This is another humanities unit that we did on Canadian history. This unit was on the creation of Manitoba, the red river settlement conflicts and Louis Riel. This was a very interesting project that also brings in the ideas of power, injustice and effects these two things have happened over the history of canada. We used many different competencies this project so lets get right into it.
The first milestone started in typical fashion with launch. For this milestone we had to reflect and respond on a current event. This could be any event regarding indigenous people in the past thirty years. The competencies being assessed were: How do I understand my own and others’ personal connection to texts I read, listen, and view? How do we decide if the actions and decisions of the past were fair or unjust, or should or should not have been taken? I think that used the competencies to understand the unfairness and the actions of what happened in the event. I think that I could have elaborated on the connect competency. I think I could have used this to make a better paragraph.
The second milestone was an exiting one. This was the milestone where we got sorted into our groups. The task for this milestone was to chose our event (an event that symbolized power and injustice in Canadian history) and research it with our partners. The competencies being assessed were the same competencies as the former milestone. Connect and understand ethical dimensions. I think that my partner Owen and I used the competencies to finish the research in a way that would help our project move the way along. This assignment also had to include questions that we asked to do this research.
The third milestone is where the actual work started. The task for this milestone was to create the first image draft. The three images had to be a quote, a drawn on picture and a custom image of your own design. The same competencies were used on this task as the others. I think that I used the competencies to create some pretty mediocre images. But in PLP we critique and then revise so that what we did.
Now it is time for the big milestone the presentation. This is a presentation of the images and the captions we made for the instagram post. The competencies being assessed were: How do I understand my own and others’ personal connection to texts I read, listen, and view? How do we decide if the actions and decisions of the past were fair or unjust, or should or should not have been taken? I feel that I used the understand one to complete a really nice few images that portrayed injustice and power.
Now for the final milestone. The final milestone for this project was the final book reflection. Over the course of this project we read a comic strip about Louis Riel. Along the project we participated in book chats and such. For the final piece of this portion of the project we had one block(80 mins) to complete a multi page paragraph about Louis Riel and whether he was a hero of a villain. Again the same competencies were used for the completion of this task. I think that I could have used the competencies more but I really didn’t have the time to as I was in a rush to get this essay done. I think that I did a good job on it but we will see.
Thank you for reading this blog post. I feel that the entire project was an interesting one. It really brought into focus the injustice of history and how events played out in history. I think that I used the two competencies to make a pretty good set of images and caption. I think that I could have used the competencies more than I did but I think I did my best work and used my time wisely . Again thank you for reading my blog post and have a great day.
Good job explaining the projet, however more visuals would help explain your whole project and experiences.