The renaissance was an important time in history. It brought a revival in arts and resulted in many inventions, but it’d be pretty hard to write a blog post that captures everything. That’s why I created a triptych(linked to wiki) about what I think were the four most historically significant things of four categories. 


The four categories that I chose were 

an inventor, 

an invention, 

a change in society, and

a piece of art.

 NAME charts

A NAME chart is a way to define historical significance. You write out why a certain subject is novel/new, how it is applicable to modern times, how it has been remembered and who, what and to what extent has it affected society. I created a NAME chart of two of my categories. Originally we were supposed to make all four NAME charts, but we ran out of time.

Actual name chart


As you may know, we started learning about how to use superimpose when we were at Loon Lake, and in preparation for this project. The main focus of this project was the triptych.  To make the triptych we had to edit in a bunch of photos and make em look like art. In a triptych there are three distinct sections, each with a different category. Mine were left-renaissance, middle-modern, right-renaissance. You can see the shift between modern and renaissance in the art piece in the top right. This one is the most clear example of what I was trying to do. I tried to show the changes between back then and now. 

Since this project was about defining historical significance, we had to pick the most significant out of the four that we chose, and write a paragraph on it. It wasn’t hard since I’d already made a name chart on my topic, which was Leonardo DaVinci. You can read it here👇

Why Leonardo DaVinci is the most historically signifiant person of the renaissance.

When you think Renaissance, who comes to mind. For me it’s Leonardo DaVinci. He painted the Mona Lisa, greatly influenced humanism, discoveries in anatomy and even engineered early tanks, known as armoured cars, even though motorized cars hadn’t even been invented at the time. What a forward thinker. I think most of Leonard’s fame came from his paintings. The Mona Lisa is arguably the most influential and famous paintings ever. He also painted other famous paintings such as the last supper, the vitruvian man and Salvator Mundi. Leo had some of the greatest inventions, such as the armoured car and the parachute. The parachute wasn’t fully utilized at it’s time because we couldn’t fly but the parachute was a great step forward to arial engineering. The whole concept of gliding is flying but without motors, and parachutes started that concept. The armoured car, like the parachute wasn’t significant at all during it’s time, but was utilized later when we had engines for cars. Germany had  used the tank to gain a great upper hand during ww2, and so did Britain in ww1. Leo had a massive influence on humanism, and he reflected that in two of his more famous art pieces, The Vitruvian Man and the Mona Lisa. Both depict a human as the centre of focus which reflects how humanism shows humans as the centre of the universe.  The one reason why Leo might not be the most influential is because of his lack of influence during his time because he wasn’t recognized as greatly as he is today, because nobody could understand or relate to his work. But the one tribulation I could think of is only another way of saying he was ahead of his time. Geez, he’s good. Thanks for reading.

This project was a lot of fun, especially the triptych, and I can’t wait for another superimpose project, because the amount of creative control you have is so good.Â