I love editing. Thank god that I am so gracefully allowed to do so.

You’ve probably read Romeo and Juliet, or watched it, or something of the sorts, that’s kinda what it’s there for, but have you made your own interpretation? I did, and you’re gonna watch it.

Where did we start?

The project started with gaining some basic knowledge about Romeo and Julia and that based on the original story, there are many adaptations.

An adaptation is a remake of an original text, but put with a different spin on it, keeping similar themes. We watched some Romeo and Juliet movies, some of which were straight recreations, others were adaptations.

Romeo and Juliet – The Review of the Adaptations

We watched 

The real highlight of this project was my own personal adaptation research of my own now favourite movie. STRANGE BREW!

This is peak cinema. It is a predecessor to classics like Waynes world, and Austin Powers. As a Canadian, I found this to be the spark to learning the truth behind the Canadian Identity, and who I am as a person.

Great, I know a lot about Romeo and Julia now, but why?

What is next? The video process

The finale of the project was creating a little short film depicting one of the scenes from Romeo and Juliet. Each group had a different scene to do, and my group (link to a place where all of my group is tagged) got “the solution”, which is when Juliet comes to the friar for a solution to her problems, those being Romeo’s banishment and her vow of marriage to Paris. 


So, the video has the usual Tom editing style, that does not hold back, and flows rather irresponsibly. It’s not very nice to watch, but it is entertaining and funny. 

Thanks for reading!