
Category Humanities 8

-SLAM- All eyes on me – Hum9

SLAM poetry is actually really fun. I’m glad that I got to do this project. From the writing, to the presentation. It feels so open and free. Like a bird that just learned how to fly, exploring the world around… Continue Reading →

The West – How Has It Shaped Me?

What a way to start the year This year we started our learning with a field trip through BC and we went all the way to Calgary!  Most of the writing that would usually be found in the blog post… Continue Reading →

Aye aye captain – history

History. That’s what this projecto was about. We had to research a person, and make a comic on that person. There were a lot of criteria changes, such as making the story historically accurate, and having to make the characters… Continue Reading →

Nouveau France – somehow not a French project

New France was a great place, but you might not know its name that well. Maybe Canada rings a bell, though. Well, New France was the place where the first Europeans – or more specific – French – came to… Continue Reading →

Renaissance, Historical Significance and Triptychs

The renaissance was an important time in history. It brought a revival in arts and resulted in many inventions, but it’d be pretty hard to write a blog post that captures everything. That’s why I created a triptych(linked to wiki)… Continue Reading →

Looooooon lake

I went on a field trip. Let me explain. When we were first told about this field trip, we were all very excited. We were going to a retreat centre at loon lake. Now, there are very many loon lakes,… Continue Reading →

Poetical passages – Humanities project

We learned to make poems in humanities. We didn’t have that long to learn all this stuff, just around a month, but we sure made good use of the time. We learned how to make 9 different poems: haiku, simile,… Continue Reading →

My Winter Playground – snowboard series part 4

Everyone has their local mountain. They know it like the back of their hand. Well I had no ideas for a blog post, so I thought I’d tell you about mine winter playground. I live super close to Mt. Seymour,… Continue Reading →

How 2 draw, A maker reflection post

I learned how to draw. Let me explain. The second project of Maker 8 we learned how to draw on the iPad. We learned shading, how shapes are used in drawing and linear perspective. We also learned how to make… Continue Reading →

Medium = Message

We live in a world were we are surrounded by media. With that media comes advertising. Ads for shoes, ads for food, ads for Raid Shadow legends, (not sponsored). They’re all around us, so I found it surprising that I’ve… Continue Reading →

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