You’re running through the forest when you get a feeling, something or someone is behind you. You look behind you but see nothing, however, that doesn’t fix the pit in your stomach. You grow more and more anxious and decide to check again, and low and behold, you see a black figure sprinting towards you. You pick up the pace and start bolting through the woods. And then…CUT!! The scene is over.
Watch this short horror film:
The Project
For the past month in maker, we have been working on filming and recreating the short horror film “RUN!” With the driving question ‘How might we learn video skills by creating a short film’. We watched the film thousands of times, studied it, created a screenplay and a storyboard, we learned about different camera angles, and editing techniques. All of this learning led to our final production when we identically recreated, down to every angle, camera shot and second, “RUN!”.
My Answer to the Driving Question
Re creating the film run helped me realize how many steps and work it takes just to create a simple 1 minute video. It requires so many people and actions. It made me become aware of how many different camera shots are in movies and films, movies aren’t just all one video, instead many clips, this makes films so much more interesting. Making ‘RUN!’ taught me so many video skills, I learned how to analyze and plan a good video, i learned camera skills, how edit a video together, and how to create a sound that is just right. .
How I got There
Before filming our video, we had to create a story board. This is a document that makes that turns a vision into a reality. We had to draw out every single camera shots along with how long they were and a descriptive sentence. This storyboard taught me video skills because I learned how to turn an idea in my head into something I can communicate to people, and turn into something great.
Practice Video
At the very beginning of this project we were given 60 minutes to recreate the short film “RUN!”. It was the first time we had ever seen the video and before we had learned anything about video skills. I watched this version back several times while creating the real copy and there was always something off about it, and after learning about video making I realized that it was the fact it had little to no sound effects. This practice video helped me answer the driving question because it taught me how important sound it when making videos.
Concepts and Competencies
Whe creating our “RUN!” Remakes we focused on certain concepts and competencies we had to learn by and later reflect on. Concept: I use technology to purposefully find, conceive, create and tell a story in all my work. Competency: analyzing, I can analyze ideas and make supported conclusions, recognizing the tools and process needed to build and test a design solution.
During this project I believe I did a good job at story finding. The moment I watched “RUN!” For the first time I was already coming up with the story behind it, and continuing to watched it I continued to elaborate on it. When we first started this project I did not realize hw much people and work it takes to make a film. After learning, I started to recognize just how much work it takes to crate a video even if its just 1 minute.
F.A.I.L (First Attempts in Learning)
If i were to do anything different in this project, I would make the sound effects louder in our final video. Sound is so important in order to create a successful video and while watching back our video in class You could barely hear it, taking away from the full effect.
What I Learned
Throughout this project I learned many things about what makes a good video. I learned how to communicate ideas in your head to others by creating a storyboard. I learned how important sound is to create a successful film. I learned about different camera angles. This project also gave me an opportunity to work on my group work skills, which always have room for improvement.