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You’re running through the forest when you get a feeling, something or someone is behind you. You look behind you but see nothing, however, that doesn’t fix the pit in your stomach. You grow more and more anxious and decide to check again, and low and behold, you see a black figure sprinting towards you. You pick up the pace and start bolting through the woods. And then…CUT!! The scene is over.


Watch this short horror film:

The Project

For the past month in maker, we have been working on filming and recreating the short horror film “RUN!” With the driving question ‘How might we learn video skills by creating a short film’. We watched the film thousands of times, studied it, created a screenplay and a storyboard, we learned about different camera angles, and editing techniques. All of this learning led to our final production when we identically recreated, down to every angle, camera shot and second, “RUN!”.

My Answer to the Driving Question

Re creating the film run helped me realize how many steps and work it takes just to create a simple 1 minute video. It requires so many people and actions. It made me become aware of how many different camera shots are in movies and films, movies aren’t just all one video, instead many clips, this makes films so much more interesting. Making ‘RUN!’ taught me so many video skills, I learned how to analyze and plan a good video, i learned camera skills, how edit a video together, and how to create a sound that is just right. . 

How I got There


Before filming our video, we had to create a story board. This is a document that makes that turns a vision into a reality. We had to draw out every single camera shots along with how long they were and a descriptive sentence. This storyboard taught me video skills because I learned how to turn an idea in my head into something I can communicate to people, and turn into something great. 

Practice Video

At the very beginning of this project we were given 60 minutes to recreate the short film “RUN!”. It was the first time we had ever seen the video and before we had learned anything about video skills. I watched this version back several times while creating the real copy and there was always something off about it, and after learning about video making I realized that it was the fact it had little to no sound effects. This practice video helped me answer the driving question because it taught me how important sound it when making videos.

Concepts and Competencies

Whe creating our “RUN!” Remakes we focused on certain concepts and competencies we had to learn by and later reflect on. Concept: I use technology to purposefully find, conceive, create and tell a story in all my work. Competency: analyzing, I can analyze ideas and make supported conclusions, recognizing the tools and process needed to build and test a design solution. 

During this project I believe I did a good job at story finding. The moment I watched “RUN!” For the first time I was already coming up with the story behind it, and continuing to watched it I continued to elaborate on it. When we first started this project I did not realize hw much people and work it takes to make a film. After learning, I started to recognize just how much work it takes to crate a video even if its just 1 minute.

F.A.I.L (First Attempts in Learning)

If i were to do anything different in this project,  I would make the sound effects louder in our final video. Sound is so important in order to create a successful video and while watching back our video in class You could barely hear it, taking away from the full effect.


What I Learned

Throughout this project I learned many things about what makes a good video. I learned how to communicate ideas in your head to others by creating a storyboard. I learned how important sound is to create a successful film. I learned about different camera angles. This project also gave me an opportunity to work on my group work skills, which always have room for improvement.

Take Your Kid to Work Day

Take Your Kid to Work Day

When you picture the city of Vancouver, you see big buildings right? These big high rises consume the city, you may see them everywhere, but have you ever wondered just how much work it is to build one? 

I put myself in my dads shoes, I was a Vice president of construction at Wesgroup construction company for a day.  With the driving question, how does experiencing a workday shape our view of career choices?, in mind, I learned just how much thought, people, and work goes into creating these buildings.  

The Project

I travelled to my dads work and spent the day shadowed him doing his job. I then was assigned with creating a video full of footage from my day, this video had to include the story of my day, an interview, my answer to the diving question, and my thoughts on the job.

Here is my video:

My Answer to the Driving Question

This day really helped me realize things that I value for my future career. In the video my dad talks about how half of his work is interacting with people while the other half he spends in his office sending emails. I have come to the conclusion that for my future career I want to work with people, I want to talk to them, collaborate with them, and I want to help them. I have also realized that I want to a job where I go places and get out into real life, I don’t want to spend  half of my job in my office sending emails.

What Helped me get There

Going to the Site

Going to my dads work site really helped me answer the driving question because it made me realize how much I value moving around during my work days and getting out into real life.  At the office, my dad was having a hard time deciding what he wanted to do on a part of his project but as soon as he got to the site everything started to make sense to him. That was a significant moment to me because I want to make a difference in the world and it helped me realize the only way to tell what needs changing, is to experience that world. 

Shadowing his job

While watching my dad in the office I realized that sitting on a computer is not somthing I want to do a lot of in my future career. Being on a screen all day is not very fun and it makes me feel groggy and like I’m not doing anything with my life. 

The Meeting 

I really enjoyed the meeting, it helped me conclude that I really enjoy working with people. In the meeting my dad collaborated with people, he had to debate and work hard to find a solution. This is something I want to do, I really enjoy listening to many perspectives on something, and trying to put ideas together to create or do something.

Thankyou Email

This day required so much effort and planning for my dad and his work. In order to communicate my gratitude I sent him an email, thanking him, telling him what I took away from being at his work, and including the link to my video.

F.A.I.L (Fist Attempts in Learning)

If I were to do this project again i would film more of my dad in action rather than just mostly B shots. This would’ve made it way easier to get a point across and properly show evidence of what my dad does and how he does it rather than just by word of mouth.

What I Learned

During this project i learned lots about what I value for my future career. It gave me a grasp on what I want to do for the future and what that looks like. I learned what my dad does for a living and just how hard he works. I learned how much work and attention to detail it takes to create the high rises that consume the city. I also learned many new skills on iMovie including Ken burns, freeze frame and speed changes.

Echos of Colonization

Echos of Colonization

Reconciliation is one of the biggest things we should be focusing on as a society today. Have you ever wondered why we are reconciling? Why is rasicm a thing? How did it become a thing? Lucky for you, I have spent the past month working hard to answer this question.

What I Created (the keynote)

A few weeks ago we were put into groups of three and asked to create a Keynote presentation answering the driving question What are the consequences of colonization? 

Within those three weeks I have been working very hard with my group in learning all about what the Europeans changed when they came to Canada and claimed the land as their own. We came to the conclusion within our group that we wanted to create our keynote around the following topics, worldview, ethnocentrism, and the life ways of the indigenous peoples.

Watch our final keynote here

Presenting The Keynote

Now that we had finished our learning, it was time to showcase it and share it. The BCFP’s grade 11s were learning about a similar topic, so we presented our keynote to them. To make our Keynote more engaging, we created sheets for them to fill out as they followed along with the presentation. I think these sheets were very helpful because it caused them to actually listen to what we had to say in order to find the answer. 

We presented our keynote to two different groups of the grade 11s, our first time presenting, the group gave us the feedback to slow down. We were quite nervous the first time, which caused us to speed up while talking. The second time presenting, I felt we were much more organized. We really tried to focus on slowing down, however, our feedback at the end was to go even slower. 


My Individual Keynote

Once we were done with our final keynote, we had to create an individual keynote, this keynote had to be 2 slides with 3 words on each slide. This assignment really forced me to think about and display MY answer to the driving question and what I learned. Also, only having 3 words on each slide really challenged me to know what I was saying rather than just reading off of the slide.I presented my individual keynote in front of my class. I believe I did a good job, I was very confident with what I was saying I believe that I had a very good understanding of what I was presenting.

My Answer to The Driving Question

Colonization was the beginning of racism in the world. Before colonization, Europeans had only been with people who have the same beliefs, looks, language, culture, etc, their entire life. This isolation caused them to develop ethnocentrism which is the act of only seeing the world through their own culture, which leads to the belief that their culture is better than everyone else’s. When they came to Canada with their ethnocentrism intact, seeing the indigenous peoples and different how they look and act, caused them to immediately dehumanize them and belive that they were better. This is what made them think it was okay to culturally assimilate them, and strip them of their culture, land, resources, clothes, language, etc. Still today, maybe without even realizing, everyone has ethnocentrism, this is why racism and discrimination still exist to this day

What Helped me Get There


Craft is a note taking app that really helped me organize my thoughts and everything I did during this project. I learned how to use it earlier this month and it made it so easy to look back at all of the work I did during this project when I was creating the final keynote.

Worldview Review

At the beginning of this project we did a review on worldview, this time focusing more on the indigenous worldview. This made me notice the difference in the worldview of the Europeans and the Worldview of the indigenous peoples which helped me understand why the Europeans colonized.

CBC The Story of us: Worlds Collide  

World’s Collide is a short film by CBC about European explorer Champlain and what he did when he arrived in Canada. I really enjoyed watching this video because it gave me the opportunity to actually SEE colonization and not just hear about it. This helped me understand New France, what it was, and how it came to be.

Colonization Vocabulary

Colonization Vocabulary are notes we made in class highlighting important words and defining them. I learned about Subsistence, Reciprocity, Exploitation, Sovereignty, Cultural Assimilation and Ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is the word that really put colonization and the consequences of it into my understanding. Ethnocentrism is the act of only seeing the world through the eyes of ones own culture, this taught why the Europeans believed they could take the land, which helped me answer the driving question.


Nothing anyone has ever done is perfect, including this project, and although I am really proud of what I created, there is always room for improvement. If I were to do this project again, I would make more time to practice more before presenting it. My group and I were mostly focusing on the keynote, to the point that the only time we practiced presenting, was the morning of. I believed if we practiced more, we would be more confident, which would prevent us from talking too fast.

What I Learned

I learned so much about racism and the history of how it came to be part of our society. This project taught me about ethnocentrism, how it is developed, what it is, and how it is still in effect today. I also learned how to use and navigate craft which will be very useful in future projects. This project was also another opportunity to grow my teamwork abilities. 

My Group

I really enjoyed working with my group, we all worked together very well and communicated to create healthy teamwork. Read my group members perspective of this project here:



A Week Devoted to Drawing

A Week Devoted to Drawing

Have you ever dedicated a whole 5 days solely to mastering the art of drawing? I have!

 “Why is drawing important?” This is the question I devoted my week to answering. In the midst of creating, learning and sketching, I came to a conclusion. Drawing is not just about lines and shapes, it is a way to express yourself and your emotions. Read forward to hear about my week where the importance of drawing, stretches farther than the blank canvas, becoming a powerful language to communicate and connect. 

Coming to The Conclusion 

The process of this project was neither long nor boring, but calming and fun. To come to my conclusion, I went through several assignments within the app Sketches Pro. I created a word art, I made a robot, I drew an emoji, and I designed a logo for a club I created. 

                                 Sketches Pro

Sketches pro is an app that allows you to draw and create art digitally. In the app, there is several drawing tools with different purposes that help you reach your artistic goals.

  My Word Art

 For this part of the project, I had to choose a word, and then draw and decorate it as an exquisite representation of the word itself. I believe that word art is very crucial because it makes the word more eye catching, it’s giving you something to look at rather than it just showing an old boring word. I decided to be-dazzle the word ‘swiftie’, referring to hardcore fans of Taylor Swift (AKA. me).  Each letter of this important word, I made to look like the cover of all of her albums. If I were to do this again, I would fix how messy the lettering is, I drew the letters by hand and very rushed which leaded them to be a little wonky. Next time, I would take more time on drawing my letters. 

My Robot

The next assignment within the project was to create a robot made out of shapes. While making this art piece I was really focused on shading, I wanted it to look like it was popping out of the page. Unfortunately, the end result did not look as real as I wanted it to, but I’m still proud of it as a whole. If I were to make another robot, I would take more time blending in the shading so it looks more lifelike. 

My Emoji

To help me answer the driving question, I was tasked with creating or recreating an emoji. I chose to create an emoji that looked as if it is judging something. Emojis are important because they help express an emotion that you can’t say with words.  I am very  proud of the shading work I did here, I think it looks very realistic and almost as if it is popping out of the page. If I were to do this again I would work on improving the expression to be more judging, I could do this by narrowing the eyes more.

Ladies Lead Club

This piece was the last part of our project, I was assigned with creating a new brand or cluband making a logo for it. Logos are very important because they give people a way to recognize your brand or organization. I thought up a new club called the ‘Ladies Lead Club’, it is for woman who notice the unfairness in the world and want to take action. While making my club, I first had to create a design brief that laid out all of the information. I then created my logo, I decided to go with a blue colour scheme because that is the stereo typical ‘colour for boys’, and by using it, we are implying the message that we don’t want to follow societies idea of a ‘woman’. If I had to do this again, I would try to make the lettering more neat because messy writing does not look professional.

F.A.I.L (First Attempts in Learning)

Something I could do better in this project would be managing my time better. I was sick for the first couple days of the assignment, so I never completed the work on time. I found myself working on all of the assignments in one night, which lead to them being a bit rushed and messy. I can manage my time better next time by messaging my teacher if I am away so I can work on the work at home and not two days late.

Why is Art so Important?

After finishing this project, I have come to the conclusion that art is very important because it is a way of expressing yourself and communicating when words can’t.

I Became a Learner in the PLP Program

I Became a Learner in the PLP Program

Who am I as a PLP learner? Have you ever wondered what skills you need to have to be in PLP? Well here is my first project ever in the program and the things I learned that will help me be successful in my PLP journey.

My Assignment

For My first project in PLP, I was assigned with making a Keynote presentation answering the driving question, Who am I as a PLP learner?
Here is my presentation:


In making this presentation I learned many skills that will help me throughout my time in the program. When I first entered PLP in September I was only equipped with an iPad and basic tech skills. After completing this project, I have a such a more thorough understanding of my device and how to use it.

Skills I Learned and How I Can Apply Them On to Future Projects

While working towards answering the driving question, I learned many important abilities that are necessary to complete assignments in the program. 

 I learned how to use all of the drawing tools on the iPad, such as colour fill, pencil, marker, crayon, gradient fill, image fill, etc. These are very essential skills that I will use in several projects in the future, such as other presentations, drawings, editing photos, and much more. 

I learned my way around different apps on the iPad, such as Keynote, Wordpack, Pages, Photos, and emoji. This will help me in future presentations, design projects, any writing projects, when I’m editing photo’s and lots more.

I also learned how to animate my drawings and photos, and add transitions on my slides. These skills are very important for future presentations and videos.

What I’m Proud of

During this project I created many things I am very proud of. I am very happy with my Nike shoe, I was giving full creative freedom to colour in a Nike shoe as my dream shoe. My shoe is inspired by the famous ‘Lightning McQueen Croc’. To make this I found a picture of Lightning McQueens number 95 from Safari, I then removed the background using ‘remove background’, and I coloured in this shoe using trace and colour fill. I am proud of this shoe because it looks a lot like the ‘Lightning McQueen Croc’, it has a lot of detail and it is something I would one hundred percent wear. While making this shoe, I learned how important detail is to me, I believe it makes designs and drawings so much more interesting.

I am also very proud of my character settings, I believe they are very well written and take on my moods perfectly. While completing these settings they made me think hard about the four main values that are the most important to me. Read more about me and my settings here.

My First Attempts in Learning (F.A.I.L)

Almost everything in this project I could improve on, because nothing is ever fully perfect, but one thing that stood out to me is the aesthetics of my presentation. I dislike the dark colour palate I chose because it isn’t very eye catching. I also believe it is a bit messy and I could clean it up a bit. If I were to do this project again I would chose a more light and pastel colour theme. I would also type the titles rather than doing it by hand to make it more cleaned up.

What I Learned About Myself

During this project I learned how important aesthetics are to me. I believe that the content of this project is fairly good, but I am not very proud of it because the aesthetics of it aren’t on point. This project also forced me to think more about my values and the things that are most important to me. While writing my character settings I had to brainstorm my four main moods, this helped me learn more about who I am as a person and how I act. Also, when I was adding the stickers on to my MeMoji, it made me think about all of the things I love and cherish.

Who am I as a PLP Learner?

A big part of being a PLP learner is reflection on the work I do, now that I have finished my first maker project I have to reflect on what I have learned and created. I am a self motivated, hardworking, and creative learner, and I always try my hardest to bring something new and different into everything I do. After finishing my first PLP project in maker, I have learned many important skills throughout the process that are necessary to complete assignments within the program. I learned how to use all of the drawing tools, such as colour fill, pencil, marker, crayon, gradient fill, image fill, etc. I learned my way around different apps on the iPad, such as Keynote, Wordpack, Pages, Photos, Emoji, etc.  I also learned how to animate my drawings and photos, and add transitions on my slides. I really value equity, and making a change is very important to me. I also learned how essential good aesthetics are to me. In the last month I have been working on learning the basics that will make me a PLP learner, not only did I learn tech skills on my iPad, but I also learned lots about myself, my values, and who I am.

The impacts of Covid on our mental health as teenagers today

The impacts of Covid on our mental health as teenagers today

Are you tired of hearing about Covid yet? Well me too, I never want to hear about it again, but the truth is that even though the dangers of the virus have passed, the effects of it will stay with us for a long time.


Hi, welcome to my very first blog post ever! For this project, my maker teacher has assigned me with making a post on a topic that interests me. I decided to write about the impacts of covid on our mental health as teenagers.

Getting Into It

When covid first hit Canada, i was 9 years old. I remember waking up one morning to my mom rushing out the door to get grocery’s because she heard the stores were all shutting down. That’s when covid started effecting my lifestyle.
Now it’s 2023 and worrying about covid has significantly decreased. There is no more mask acne, cancelled vacations, online schooling and toilet paper shortages. The thing we are all stuck with now are the after effects.
We might not realize it, but covid has made a big impact on most of our lives and mental health, more kids and teenagers then ever before are now struggling with the following,

  •  Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trouble focusing in school
  • Discrimination
  • Addiction to phones
  • Being on time
  • etc

A research team surveyed more than 1,350 parents, kids, and teenagers in April to June of 2020 to ask about six areas of their mental health: depression, anxiety, irritability, attention span, hyperactivity, and obsessions/compulsions. 70.2 per cent of school-aged children (age 2 – 18) reported worsening in at least one area since Covid.
This is something i have noticed as well, which is why i have decided to write my first post, to share my knowledge, and learn more.


WHY IT SUCKS: Anxiety is a struggle many people including me have to live with, it is a feeling of fear, dread, or discomfort. Anxiety is not fun, it takes over your life, it makes you miss out on things, and is hard to over come.

WHY IS IT RELEVANT TO US:  I remember one time, right after the covid guidelines were cut back, I went to a restaurant with two of my friends. During our one evening at the restaurant all three of us all had to leave the restaurant at one point and take a break outside because of each of our different fears and anxiety. This story goes to show how much Covid has made an impact on the number of teenagers that suffer with anxiety.

WHAT HELPS: Although anxiety is something that never truly goes away completely, there are many tips and tricks that of helped me live with it. With anxiety, you have to learn how to control it rather than it control you. Different strategies work with different people, these are some that help me when I feel like I am losing control,

Addiction to screens

WHY IT SUCKS: Having and addiction to phone sucks, you always have to be around your phone or screen, you always feel the need to look at your device, and you even feel empty without it.

WHY IS IT RELEVANT:  During the lockdown, we couldn’t see our friends in person, so most of us turned to communication over devices, which made our daily screen time rocket. We also had a lot of time at home on our hands which contributed to our time on screen as well.

WHAT HELPS: I know, I know, you are probably very tired of hearing people telling you to ‘get off your phone’ and ‘stop being so addicted’, but being addicted to a phone or a screen is like any other addiction, and it is hard to ‘get rid of ’. You can start by distracting your self with something that doesn’t involve screens when you feel like picking up your device, like going outside, or starting a craft, or baking.


Trouble focusing in school

Image credit

WHY IT SUCKS: Not being able to focus is really hard because it effects your motivation in school and can make it really hard to finish and hand in assignments in time.

WHY IS IT RELEVANT: Ever since covid there has been a sever increase of addiction to phones, this has made a lot of teenagers attention span as long as it takes for you to watch one TikTok video before scrolling to the next. Which makes it really hard to focus in school because our brains can only concentrate on one thing for so long.

WHAT HELPS: Putting any distracting device away so you don’t have to worry about checking your texts or social media can help with staying focused and on task. Also, you need to get sleep and be in the right frame of mind.

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