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Learning How to Like Poetry

Learning How to Like Poetry

All my life, I have hated poetry with a deep passion. However, this month I learned that it was the basic, cliche, meaningless poems I hated. This month I learned how to like poetry.

The Project

For this project, we were taught many poetry terms and then tasked with creating eleven poems to help us answer the driving question, How might I write poetry that I enjoy and shows who I am? We then created an e-book out of all our poems, along with a complementary text for each poem.

My Conclusion

After learning about and creating poems following the driving question, I came to the conclusion that to write poems that I enjoy and shows who I am is quite easy when it is about a topic I love and relate to. All throughout my life I have been writing poems about meaningless and boring stuff like, ‘what my dog looks like’ and ‘my favourite food’ and that was my whole perception on what poetry was. I now know that to write good poetry you have to write it about something that means something to you, for me that would be activism and writing about human rights.

My Found Poem

My found poem was one of the things that really helped me answer the driving question. A found poem is where you take any text written in prose form, and take certain words and sentences from it to create a poem. I found it very easy to create a found poem that I enjoy and shows who I am, because there are so many books and texts out there I enjoy and relate to, and then all I have to do is make a poem out of them. I chose to write my poem with pages 4 – 5 of the book ‘Eating in The Light of The Moon’ these few pages of this book really speak to me because they are about feminism and how woman were robbed of their power which is a topic I both enjoy and relate to.

My About Me Poem

My About Me was another poem that helped me get to my conclusion. It made me really think about who I am as a person but also adding some aspects of my worldview. I decided to a poem about how people are so quick to judge, I added a few ways people would perceive me without knowing me, and then things that they would notice if they actually talked to me  and got to know who I am.

Watch my About Me video here


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