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Tag: medieval art

What Lies Beneath The Tip of The Iceberg

What Lies Beneath The Tip of The Iceberg

Recently I presented a three part tableau to the public in the PLP winter exhibition. I noticed that the exhibition was our way to show our final neat product, and leave all of the stressful, hard work in the past.

What is a Winter Exhibition?

These past months, all of Seycove PLP has been working very hard to put together the Winter exhibition. The Winter Exhibition is a way PLP can showcase our work to the public in a creative and interesting way.


For this exhibition, my four group members and I were tasked with creating a tableau that displays an aspect of the medieval worldview, an aspect of the renaissance worldview, and an aspect of the contemporary worldview. After several long months of learning, working, and revising, I have come through and created and presented a tableau I am truly proud of.

Medieval Artwork

Leading up to making our tryptic, was a lot of researching and working. The first step to every aspect was learning about that time period, and then creating my own artwork featuring me  with aspects of the medieval worldview. My art piece displays the medieval worldview and what it was like to live back then, learning and knowing this shows me how many things learned and invented in the medieval times are the bases of everything we know and use today. My artwork shows a portrait of me surrounded by many different parts of the medieval worldview. For example, I added a boat to show how people got around to fight in wars. Creating this  gave me a way better understanding of the medieval worldview. It also gave me important iPad skills, I learned how to navigate and use an app called SuperImposeX which helped me put everything into one canvas.


The Renaissance was the second time period I researched and created about. For my individual art, I created a piece that stars me, and showcases several parts of the renaissance worldview. I found creating this much easier than making the medieval art piece because I had already  practiced how to use SuperImposeX. In creating this, I learned much more about the worldview of people in the renaissance. I am very proud of this piece because I believe I did a very good job at putting my face into the artpeice, I can see my face but at the same time it looks like renaissance artwork. If I were to do this again I would find a better sun, when making the artworks, its very hard to find a good renaissance art that is easy to remove the background, and that is free to use.

Creating The Tryptic

When making the digital tryptic, I worked with my group to make three more art pieces displaying the Medieval, Renaissance, and Contemporary worldview, however, these ones are featuring all five of us.  For all three art pieces of the tryptic, we used the same mountain and ocean background, because a tryptic has three parts that relate to each other in some visual way.  While making this, I learned a lot more about the medieval, renaissance, and contemporary worldview while collaborating with my peers to make the group piece. If I would to create this tryptic again I would take way more time blending the faces into the art because when we made it, it was rushed and not done very realistic. 

Getting it Ready to Present

After creating the digital part of the tryptic we needed to turn it into something we can present. We were tasked with making live art. We had to make each aspect of our tryptic into a tableau. First, we needed to assign each group member a part in each tableau. Then, we had to make props, costumes, and a setting. This was the trickiest part for me because this was the part we were showing to the public and the thing that catches their eye, so I really wanted to do a good job and make good quality props. After that came the hours and hours of practising and dress rehearsals.

After doing this first rehearsal, we learned a lot of things we could improve, we had to make the  scripts shorter, me and Cole ended up switching places because he was the only one who could fit in our phone, and we had to find a way to change into our costumes faster, we did this by layering them on top of each other so we only had to take clothes off instead off and on. If I were to change anything, I would make the props better quality because they ended up kind of falling apart in the end which made it difficult to move fast during the exhibition.

My Experience of The Exhibition

This was my first exhibition…so how did it go? The exhibition was a very long, stressful and tiring yet rewarding day. All of the grade 8 groups set up their tableaux in the gym after school, and then two and a half short hours passed, and the people started walking in. The first few times we presented to the public were a little messy, but in the end we were masters. If I were to change anything about how we did the exhibition, I would change how we organized back stage. It was very messy and cluttered and it was very hard to find everything when we were doing the quick set changes. This exhibition taught me how they work, there is going to be a lot of exhibitions throughout my PLP journey, and knowing the scene and how it works will help me be less nervous for future ones.

As you look at the medieval scene you will see many aspects of the medieval worldview and how they matter to us today. geography is displayed by the boat and the map, to show how people navigated their way to fight in the crusades, this boat will go through all of our aspects of the tryptic to show how we have evolved overtime. the economy is shown by the crops, because wealth was based solely on land and food, this idea changed through times as we started using money as currency knowledge is shown by the reader because of how people shared and gained knowledge, we still have access to their books today and we can learn from their experiences and stories.

This is our Renaissance art work,

We displayed economy as well as beliefs by two people trading, people traded to acquire things they needed which controlled the economy back then. Our economy has evolved since then, both in positive and negative ways. 

Society and values are shown by the king colonizing the globe with force, to show who ran the society and how. Now some are still healing from the forceful colonization they did back then.

To show geography we added a Renaissance boat to show how people travelled around to colonize countries and to explore the world, we have taken and evolved this boat to make it what we have today.

Finally, this is our art that is based on our world view now

We added a big phone with social media on it  to represent society, social media is a big part in most of our lives, it holds a lot of power over us and is a big source for a lot of information we learn now a days.

We also have our cruise ship representing geography and how people use boats to get around and away.

The Christmas tree is representing beliefs and how even though a lot of us aren’t Christian, a lot of our lives are still effected by the religion because we have a western worldview, for example, a lot of us celebrate Christian holidays, like Christmas.

Enjoy and treat yourself to a candy cane on the way out

What Lies Beneath The Tip of The Iceberg

Before the exhibition, the teachers were talking about how they are like an ice berg. The tip of the ice berg is the thing that people see when they come and look at our work, and the bottom of the ice berg (the part in the ocean) is all of the working, learning, late nights, stress, messiness, etc of the exhibition. This statement is exactly accurate, preparing for the exhibition is not a very fun time, it is a lot of hard and stressful work, but finishing it and showing the interesting fun part to the public makes me feel very proud of myself and my group.

Renaissance Inventions Window Notes

One of the things that really helped me understand the driving question (Why does the past matter to us today?) was the window notes I made in class about some of the really important inventions made in the Renaissance. We read passages about the printing press, the first medical tools and hospitals, and the first drafts of time. While exploring these we had to take notes in the format of ‘window notes’ which is just 4 boxes, one for Facts, one for Feelings and reactions, on for questions and one for connections. These helped me answer the driving question because it showed me how the people in the past made the beginning of everything we use now a days.

Chinggis Khan Musical

Another thing that really help me understand how the past matters to us today is researching about Chinggis Khan and making a musical about him. Chinggis was a very harsh leader in the medieval times, he would go around the globe and conquer countries for his Mongolian empire. While doing this he taught peace to the countries which we have taken and learned from today.

Why Does The Past Matter to us Today?

After finishing this very long project, I have learned a lot about the past and how it matters to us today and finally came to a conclusion. The past was the time of learning, experimenting, and growing. They are the ones who paved the original path that we walk and grow on today. They thought up some version of everything they we use now a days. Their inventions are what made it possible for us to continue growing, experimenting and learning.

Power Play And How it Started

Power Play And How it Started

Try to name a medieval art piece. Hard right? Well, not for me, ‘The worldview of medieval Tyler’. That’s right, not only does the medieval artwork have my name on it, but it has me featured in it.

The Medieval World View of Tyler

What can we learn from the past and why does it matter to us today?  That is the question I aimed to answer while going forward in this project. It’s hard to believe our lives and worldview today is still effected by the peoples knowledge and life style from 1200 BC!  My art piece displays the medieval worldview and what it was like to live back then, learning and knowing this shows me how many things learned and invented in the medieval times are the bases of everything we know and use today.

So, how did I get here? This project was a long process full of many assignments that lead up to the final project of turing myself into medieval art that displayed the medieval worldview.

The Book of the Lion

We started off this project, with yet again another book. The Book of The Lion is a book set in the medieval times and is about a boy named Edmund’s experience in the crusades. This book was definitely not my favourite because I had a very hard time understanding how the medieval  people talk, but it did give me a good understanding of the medieval worldview.

The Feudal System

Image credit

Part of understanding the medieval worldview, is learning about the feudal system. The feudal system is how the medieval people organized the roles in their society. It came with the idea that the king is at the top and the peasants are at the bottom, which also implies that women are somewhere near the bottom as well. For this part of the project we had to read feudal system and then make notes in the format of a ‘window’. While making this I learned how hard it was to be successful in the medieval times, if you weren’t born somewhat high on the pyramid, you have basically no chance of moving up. Also, I learnt how bad women were treated, they were considered property, had no chance whatsoever of success, and they were thought to be in the same area of the feudal system as the farm animals.


To understand how sexist and unfair the feudal system is, we also learned about the Haudenosaunee. The Haudenosaunee is an indigenous group that believes strongly in peace and unity. Also, the women were the decision makers for the Haudenosaunee and were the  most respected community members. The influence of the women in the Haudenosaunee nation has continued throughout the generations and is still at the heart of indigenous communities today. To read more about the Haudenosaunee, read the blog post I did about them here. Learning about them and their way of learning taught me how the Haudenosaunee and the lifestyle they created so long ago is still the bases of so many indigenous communities today. 

Chinggis Khan Musical

Another assignment we did within this project is making a tribute to a medieval leader. My group and I made a musical in tribute to Chinggis Khan. 

In making this video, we included the medieval worldview by talking about about how violent those times were, we displayed the significance of Chinggis by showing how he made a Mongolian empire and how he brought peace to many countries. Also, we showed how what he did matters to us today by including a person from the future who comes in and learns from the peace Chinggis brought. After finishing this, I learned how violent the medieval times really were.

Artwork Choice Chart

Getting closer to the final project, we had to create an artwork choice chart which helped us build up ideas of what to put on our final artwork. We had to connect eight different categories, geography, time, society, values, beliefs, economy, and knowledge, to the medieval worldview and then our world view, as well as finding medieval art pieces for all of them. Creating this helped me have a better understanding of how the medieval worldview translates into my worldview, also helping me complete the artwork faster.

The Artwork

After a long month of working in this project, I have finally completed my artwork. My art piece displays the medieval worldview and what it was like to live back then, learning and knowing this shows me how many things learned and invented in the medieval times are the bases of everything we know and use today. In the medieval times, people learned and collected knowledge from word of mouth and story telling, this is why I put a medieval man telling a story on my art. We still learn from these stories today, along with many more that we have collected over time, this helps us learn and build our worldview and knowledge. Almost everything I know and use today has been shaped by other peoples past experiences. Another one of the aspects in my artwork is an astrolabe, which is the medieval times first draft of a clock, but rather than showing a digital time, it displayed the timekeeping of day and night. We have taken this clock and transformed into the clock we have today. The clock is now a massage part of mine and almost everyone else’s life, the clock controls my entire of what I do, what time I have to be at school, sports, the time I wake up, the time I go to bed, etc. I put a cross necklace around my neck because the main religion in the medieval time was Christianity. Believing in god shaped the peoples worldview and how they lived life. Christianity in the medieval times was the beginning of the massive religion today. I am not Christian, but having a western worldview, it effects my life without me even realizing it. For example, a lot of my friends and people I know are Christian, therefore i know a lot about it. Also, I celebrate Christmas and Easter which are both holidays that were started and are a part of the Christian religion. Lastly, I added two men bossing around a women slave to show the unfair roles that the medieval times had in their society. People believed that men are higher than women and that men should have all of the power. This belief is still standing in a lot of peoples beliefs and lifestyle. This makes me mad because it shows how women have been on the bottom from day one and that it still isn’t fully better. 

F.A.I.L (first attempts in learning)

If I were to do this project again I would manage my time better. Often I would keep pushing aside the task of reading and then I would get to the night before it was done and have to read it all then. This lead to some late nights of working, which lead to tiredness, which lead to trouble focusing. Moving forwards, I can manage my time by keeping a calendar of when things have to be done so I can stay on top of my work.

Why Does The Past Matter to us Today?

The medieval days was the time of learning and experimenting, they were the ones who made our lives this much easier today, by forming base to everything we know and use now. They are the ones who paved a path that we walk on now, and are the ones who made it possible for us to keep learning and experimenting.

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