Panic! At the Disco

So, for the past month or so we’ve been working on this thing called D.I. Apparently it doesn’t stand for Dying Inside like some people thought, but, rather, for Destination Imagination. D.I. involved a variety of challenges, and culminated in the sacrifice of a Saturday.

Though different people did different challenges, my group (of six, although the numbers varied) were mainly working out a murder. Mystery. We were working out a murder mystery. In which I played the detective, and we were all in the 1970s panicking at the disco. The actual murder was fairly simple; a disco ball had been shot, fallen on a man’s head, and killed him (I’m not so sure about the validity of this plan, but hey, you can’t expect us to be experts at murder plots…). What made it complicated was that we needed a “techniclue”, a clue that we could use to solve the mystery through technical methods, and we weren’t sure what to do. After a lot of uninspired days trying to think, a couple arguments, and some experimentation with different potential clues, we went with the classic: fingerprinting.
Now you might be saying, what was there to fingerprint in this mystery? The object that killed the man was shot. So we had to add in an extra detail, in this case the fact that the killer had also stolen (and then dropped) the victim’s wedding ring, presumably to sell.
I got to fingerprint all the suspects, which was cool because I’ve never fingerprinted anyone before. I think the ring got lost during our actual performance so that wasn’t so good, but it wasn’t super important anyways. We eventually scored a little over 50% of the total score we could have had, maybe 53% or so, which we were told was quite good for our first time doing D.I.
Now that was only half of what we had to do at the tournament. The other half was called an Instant Challenge, and it was an eight minute challenge we had to complete as a team, and although I’m not allowed to tell you what ours was, I can say that one of the practice challenges we did was building a tower out of paper. So that sort of physical but also logical challenge. We scored 100% on our Instant Challenge, so I’d say we did fairly well…
I will further update this post with pictures and/or videos later on, once I have better access to them.

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