The Men Who Sold The World

Once upon a time, between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, Europeans explored the world. This had quite an impact.

Now, there is not a clear consensus on whether the bulk of this impact was positive or negative, so we looked into it and then attempted to make a museum. And we eventually sort of did, with eight or nine people working on each exhibit (desire to explore, means to explore, and the one I was working on, results to explore.).

We decided to name our project The Men Who Sold the World after the similarly titled David Bowie song, because I made a joke, and because we felt it reflected the greed, male power, and rise of buying and selling at the time.

To recap the European Exploration for you: Europeans, looking for land, people, and goods, went out to sail the world, and they found North America, the “New World”. Short on time and communication, they reacted violently to meeting the natives, and killed many, or took them as slaves. They also spread disease.

But both sides got some payoffs as well. The natives got some new technology, and the explorers got to have tomatoes to make pizza for the first time, as well as new land and they even spread their religion.

I won’t go on about it too much. Personally, I think the results overall were negative, but I can see both sides, and hey, you could always go post your opinion on the Instagram account conveniently made for that exact purpose.

I’ve got to go explore the world now.


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