My Chemical Superhero


So, in science we’ve been working on developing chemical superheroes.


…Not that kind of chemical superhero. (I’m so sorry. I felt the need to make a reference.)

What we’re making is more superheroes each based on a specific element. As usual, this is happening in small groups over a period of several weeks.

We’re still partway through this project, but so far my group has chosen an element, chosen a group name, designed a badge, and made a periodic table.



My group is named Fuelled by Ramen, after the record label of the same name. Our superhero’s powers come from the element bromine, and include flying and burning people’s skin. However, bromine can be contained by lead, so our superhero will probably have a lead suit.

There will most likely be a part two of this post so watch out for the continued adventures of… bromine bro… or something. *insert awesome superhero name here*?


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