The Flight Trip to Florida

So, back at the beginning of the month we (my class) took a trip to Florida. The purpose of this trip was mainly to go to Walt Disney World, but also included visits to NASA, a wildlife reserve, and a surfing school.

There was some educational merit in the form of getting footage, interviews and real life experience for a project that I’ll be covering in a separate blog post when it’s finished. In this blog post, however, I want to discuss the trip itself.

The first day was a travel day, and consisted of getting up at about 2:30 AM and taking a flight to Florida. (Actually two flights, as we took a connecting one to Seattle.) Not much notable happened, although I did eat a lot of apple cinnamon Cheerios.

The second day we went to magic kingdom, which was fun but very busy and honestly kind of overwhelming.

I did get to meet Winnie the Pooh, so ultimately the day was a success.

The third day was universal, and mainly consisted of me being a total Harry Potter nerd (but you knew that already ), and getting completely soaked on the Jurassic Park. I also got stuck on the wrong side of a parade about five minutes before having to meet up with the class, which would have been a very upsetting and panicky situation had I not been listening to Fix Youthe entire time, which kept me pretty calm.

The fourth day was my favourite, as it involved a very calm, very pretty wildlife retreat, and an alligator-watching tour.

The fifth day included a surfing lesson, which was really fun, and a trip to NASA, which was also really cool. The following day was also NASA-focused; we spent the day at the Kennedy Visitor’s Center, where we got to learn a little bit more about space and astronauts, and got to go to a lunch where an astronaut was guest speaking.

The remaining days were all spent at various Disney parks: EPCOT, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Disney Springs. My favourite was probably Hollywood studios, as I enjoyed the various rides and experiences there, as well as the Star Wars themed “Dessert Party” we attended, where we got to meet Chewbacca and Kylo Ren.

All in all, as much as it had its ups and downs, it was an enjoyable trip.


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