🎶We Did the Math (We Did the Monster Math)🎶

As you may have guessed from the title, this is another post about math.

But this time, there’s monsters.

*cue Bobby Pickett*

So, we’ve been learning about calculating the volume and surface area of composite solids. As part of this unit, we’ve each built a “monster” Out of basic shapes, which we then have to calculate the volume and surface area of.

For instance, my monster, Mr. Marshmallows, has a volume of 2.35525 inches(5.982335 centimetres) cubed, and a surface area of 17.7575 inches (45.10405 centimetres) squared.

Now, creating a monster for the sole purpose of calculating its volume and surface area may seem like a strange project (not to mention one that I would design). There’s a good reason for that– it’s actually part of a bigger crosscurricular project that will include biomes/ecology (science), character development and story writing (English), sewing (humanities? impromptu textiles? Is sewing just a part of PLP?), videomaking (humanities/maker time), and, more likely than not, a lot of rejected storyboards (I direct you once again to the quilt project).

You can expect a follow up post to this one sometime soon detailing the adventures of Mr. Marshmallows (versus some as yet unknown “hero”).

Until then–


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