DNA Extraction/Model Creation

So, we’ve been learning about DNA. In order to learn about this, we’ve done two things: a lab experiment, and a model.

For the lab experiment, we extracted strawberry DNA using salt, alcohol and soap. We crushed the strawberries in order to break down the cell walls, and let the DNA be released. We then mixed the strawberries with the other substances in test tubes. The DNA came out in rather slimy strings. It looked a little bit gross, but it was very interesting to see the DNA once it was extracted.

For the model, we each created a “DNA strand” with a partner. The DNA strands were madeout of pipe cleaners, beads, Pom-poms, and macaroni. We used different supplies to show different kinds of base pairs, five pairs in all. I used pom-poms to represent C-G pairs, and beads and macaroni to represent A-T pairs.


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