(Insert Safe Work Here)

Hello, Internet.

So, in Health and Career, we’ve been learning about work safety.

We started out by watching a video of a few different situations in which young adults were permanently injured due to improperly following work safety rules, and filling out some worksheets about job safety in our own respective work experiences, and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.

We also talked about the required training for different jobs, and how being trained thoroughly can help you stay safe at work.

We were supposed to have a guest speaker come in to talk to us about work safety, but they didn’t show, so we instead did an activity where we looked at different scenarios and figured out what was unsafe about them, and how they could have been made safe.

As part of our learning for this unit, we were each asked t create a visual to represent work safety. I drew some common safety related symbols (no fire, toxic chemicals, tripping or falling), and a girl giving a thumbs up.

We were also asked to talk about how we would each handle our own workplace safety. My current job has very little in the way of safety hazards, and is generally safe as long as you use common sense. However, for jobs in the future that might be more risky, I’ll make sure to stay out of potentially dangerous situations that I haven’t recieved proper training for, and to wear the appropriate safety gear and use safety precautions when needed. I’ll also keep aware of the fact that I don’t have to put myself in a situation in which I feel unsafe.


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