Lions Gate Bridge

I live in Vancouver, Canada and I think that it is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been to. The scenery, the wildlife and everything you can find here are all amazing. One of the most iconic parts of Vancouver is the Lions Gate Bridge. This is a bridge that connects Stanley Park to West Vancouver.

Stanley Park


Our assignment in class was to get with a partner or two and create a short video that gives us a brief history and tells us a little bit about the lions gate bridge. So using our amazing research skills me and my partners Ryan, collected as much information as possible about the Lions Gate Bridge and complied it all into a short script that we would then put into a short movie.

The Lions Gate Bridge

Once we had created the script it was time for us to collect some photos of the bridge and other things that had to do with it. During the research for this short movie I learned a lot about the bridge that I really didn’t expect.

For example I had no idea that it was the Guinness Family that made the bridge to gain access to their land in West Vancouver. Or that the two lions that are at the end of the bridge represent two mountains that are called The Lions to the north of Vancouver.

The Lions
The Guinness Family

There were plenty of other things that I learned during this project that I never would have guessed and I really enjoyed learning about it. For example one thing I learned about was that Lonsdale was named after a British man called Arthur Heywood-Lonsdale who invested in a lot of land around that part.

A photo I took of downtown Vancouver from Lonsdale

Listening to everyone else’s videos and seeing all the other things about Vancouver was very interesting and I was surprised about how much I didn’t know about the city I live in. I think that the rest of the class was also very surprised about what they didn’t know about our city that most have lived in our whole lives.

This also makes me wonder what else I am missing about my home and what else I can learn just from doing s little bit of research on the Internet. I also encourage other people to research a little bit about the city or place that they live in because you just might be surprised about how much you didn’t know about your home.

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