Linear Eaquations

So our last unit in math was all about linear graphs. Very similar to our collective science and math project all about water wheels. For this small unit we were looking at the various equations used to graph more than one line to measure different cell phone plans. 

We spent a few lessons learning about the different math equations used and we had lots of practice using them to make sure we understood what we were doing. Then after this we began the project. The project was to compare three or more different cellphone plans and determine which would be the best one. I was partnered up with Aiden and we decided to compare some of the most companies in BC. We looked at Telus, Freedom and Fido. 



Comparing the plans we decided use the different amounts of data that would you get with each plan for around the same price. Once we had created the graph we created a keynote presentation to show off the graphs that we created. 


This project was something that I found very challenging as the math was something I had not really done before and it took me awhile to fully understand what was going on, but after awhile I started to understand and everything to much easier. 

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