Week 8, Celebrations And Traditions DIY

Hello earthlings. Ew. I just made my self cringe. For week eight of the Student Bloging Challenge, we had to write about our celebrations and traditions. Since I allegedly allready wrote about that, (find it here,) I decided to do the stuff that I didnt do yet. So that in tailed creating a do it yourself project, or DIY. I saw this while browsing online, and thought, “ Wow thats weak.”

( credit: happinessishomemade)

It’s about the size of my hand. So I took it as a challenge to make a better one..

Now the scale is MUCH larger so I chose to use cardboard instead of Hana/ Perler beads. I also used duct tape, scissors, a craft knife, and some hot glue.

First I made a plan. This was the beginning of a downhill spiral that seemingly would never end. I ran around the house looking for boxes that I could use. I found three.

The next step was to disassemble them, so I could have flat sheets of cardboard.

I then taped them together with several layers of duct tape.

Next, I cut slits in the cardboard so it would stand up. Here is what it looks like once you cut them on the perler bead version.

Here’s somewhat it should look like. It was 10:30 at this point and my energy was fading.

I took the sheets apart and, after getting yelled at by my brother for being too loud, I finally cut the tree shape out.

Then I re-did the exact same thing on the other piece… at 11 o’clock.

Then! TADA!!! It was a tree! I had done it! I beat that week little bead tree and, with Eye Of The Tiger blaring in my headphones, I felt a slight sensation of superiority. And tiredness.

I only then had to decorate the tree. Which I did. It looks gorgeous and I would highly suggest you do the same. I also recommend doing this project at some other time than midnight. Going through this experience, I woud share that you can always be better. Weather that be beating a website, or your own goals, or a record, it can be beat. I leave you with that sentiment and hopes that you leave me a comment if you decide to do this project. I hope you have an above mediocre week and that you don’t get any injuries.


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