Our Mixtape is Fire

I’m kidding, our mixtape is actually pretty good, but I wouldn’t go as far as fire, because at the moment, there is no actual hydrogen involved in our project. 

In Scimathics, we’re creating our own superhero based on two elements that live in the Periodic Table. My group is Mimi, Lucas, and Ryan. The two elements had to make sense with your superhero’s powers, we decided we wanted a hero that could shoot fire out of his hands. We decided to use Francium and Hydrogen to make a significantly “firey” superhero. 

First, we read and signed a team contract. This contract was basically stating that if you were off task, your group could kick you out. Luckily, we all stuck to the contract and nobody had to get kicked out of our group.

Next, we were assigned  to make a patch and name for our group. We decided on “Mixtapes”, because if we had a mixtape it would totally be fire, right?! Right. Next, our patch was also pretty neat. We all put our ideas together to create this patch down below. You had to include your element, names of group members, team name, etc. 

Once that was done, we had to recreate a Periodic Table, which was a lot harder than it sounds. Drawing out the boxes was difficult, and we forgot to put in the atomic numbers. Luckily, we made altercations to make it just right. Also along with the table we had to showcase the elements our superhero possessed. We had to describe their atomic mass, melting point, boiling point, density, etc. and also create a legend or table of contents to show what each colour of element meant. 

Once that was complete, it was time to make an atom. For our element, we used cloud clay, wire and hot glue! Pretty simple, but still great. We rolled blue cloud clay into a ball to act as the base, and then attached a yellow H to symbolize that it was hydrogen. Then we used wires to connect the protons and electrons

In conclusion, I found this to be really fun and I enjoyed learning about the Periodic Table. I’m proud of what we accomplished with this project, and I’m proud of our work! 

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